Saturday, January 18, 2014


I am definitely glad that this wasn't our first winter in Wisconsin because I seriously think I would have had to reconsider staying here!!!  School has been closed at least 4 times due to dangerously cold weather (-40 wind chills), we have had more snow than I have seen in a long time!!!  I love all the snow, but am so ready for spring!

But, we have ventured out when the weather cooperates, to enjoy with winter wonderland.   We took the kids to a small sledding hill near our house and they had so much fun!!  It was a nice small hill but the kids had so much fun sledding, throwing snowballs, and making snow angels.

Aaron and I battled the cold and went to the Packer-49er playoff game.  I am so glad the cold front stayed back because the following day was -15 with -50 wind chills!  The temp at the game was 0 degrees, but thanks to some strategically placed hand/foot warmers and LOTS of layers, I was nice and cozy!!!  

We did attempt to take Elsa ice skating, but that was an EPIC failure.  She was crying hysterically getting her ice skates on because she said they hurt!  Never made it out on the ice.   I think I will buy some more comfortable ice skates and we will try again.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our little man is 2!!

Happy Birthday to Chet!  He turned 2 on January 3rd.  We kept his birthday pretty low key because I think we were all in a post-Christmas, post-my birthday sugar crash :)
He started the day by having a birthday party at school where he brought in a cookie decorated in the only colors this town has (green and gold).  The kids absolutely devoured the cookie!

Then, at home he opened presents, making sure to rip the wrapping paper into as many small pieces as possible.

Last year, he wasn't quite sure of the cake.  This year, he loved blowing out the candles (so much so, we lit them several times so he could blow them out!)

Favorite cartoons:  paw patrol (the kid is obsessed and will throw a fit when he can't watch it), Bubble Guppies, and Super Why

Favorite food:  none.  Just when I think a food is his favorite, then he will decide he won't eat it.  The kid is the pickiest eater!!!   He does like his snacks, though:  Yogurt Stars (from Trader Joes), cashews, peanut butter pretzels.

Speech:  still not saying much other than no, mom, daddy.  They (pediatrician and teachers) want us to persue speech therapy in about 6 months if it doesn't develop more.  He definitely understands and can hear, so I think it will come around.

Books:  any books with flaps, To Market to Market

His teachers say he is the best helper when it comes to picking up toys and he does this so well around the house too!

Has so much energy that I wish there was away to transfer some of it to me.  He loves jumping, running, climbing, etc.  Aaron thinks he will make a great hockey player because everything he does, he does with a crazy level of intensity.

Loves to roar and show his toothless smile.

Favorite toys:  cars/trucks, puzzles, legos, playing with Elsa's dress up clothes.

He is an excellent sleeper, which is a pleasant change from last year at this time.  We can lay him in his crib and he will fall right to sleep.  He still uses his nook at naptime and bedtime and LOVES his blanket and Mr. Bear.   Elsa never really had a security blanket/toy, and I think it is so cute how loves to snuggle with his.

Games:  loves chasing/being chased,  hide and seek, peek-a-boo

Has the most contagious belly laugh!  When we are changing him, he loves for us to smell his feet and will giggle to no end with "peee-ewwwh".

He has developed such a fun personality over the past year!  We love you Chet man!!!