Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July

It was so hot on the 4th of July!  It was about 100 degrees and VERY humid.  We knew if we did anything, it would mostly involve staying indoors with air conditioning.   Fortunately, our friends, the Schuhs felt the same way and invited us out to their house in the country.  The heat didn't seem to bother the girls and by dusk, it had cooled down to the point where we could sit outside without looking like we showered.

 Poor Chet, the only boy....

 Elsa loved playing with their new litter of kittens!

Aaron bought these sparklers and they were a big hit.  Definitely larger than the sparklers I remember from when I was little!

We didn't really get to see city fireworks because of being in the country, but the kids had fun nonetheless.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Chet 6 months

CJ is 6 months old!  The above picture is a little blurry because the kid can't sit still and the chair kept rocking!

His 6 months stats from the pediatrician:
           Weight:  19lb 12 oz  (85th percentile)
            Height:  29"  (97th percentile)
            Head:  47cm (97th percentile)

He is wearing anything from 6-12 months or 12-18 months right now.

Size 3 diapers

Sleeping:  not so much.  Will wake 1-2 times in the middle of the night for a bottle.  We are trying to ween him from the middle of the night feeding by reducing the amt of formula we put in.  Keeping our fingers crossed that it works :)

Loves his exersaucer!  Loves bouncing in it or if we help him stand on our laps

Love brother and sister time!
One of my favorite things he does now is he loves to explore our faces when we feed him his bottle!  He will touch our lips, cheeks, and nose as he is feeding.

Feeding is quite messy as he recently discovered the excitement of blowing rasberries and blowing food all over us!  Likes:  yo-baby, lentils, vegetables, most fruit   Dislikes:  cottage cheese

He can sit up with assistance but loves rolling around on the floor