Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Four Weeks Old!!

I can't believe she is four weeks old already!! Time has flown by! We are definitely starting to get the hang of this parenting thing...LOL! Here is a picture of her in her car seat as we head out for a walk. My Aunt Barb sent these cute MN Twins onesies.
Here is a picture of her on her four week b-day. Aaron was excited that she was dressed in something other than pink.
And, here is how she sleeps...in "touchdown" mode. She loves to be all stretched out...which is why she does NOT like her car seat or to be swaddled. Fortunately, she still likes to cuddle!
She is getting more alert as each day passes. We often lay her on her Einstein floor mat and she is so content just looking around. She even tries to roll around and gets her torso half way around. And, with tummy time she can raise her head a bit...but she gets frustrated after about 5 minutes of that. We are enjoying more frequent smiles and all the cooing... she's going to be a talker!

I am starting to get sad that I only have 12 more days of maternity leave left. But, I know that between my mom and Aaron, she is in good hands. When I return to work, I will be on call for 6 weeks. My partner, Brad, is moving back to the states and the other oral surgeon, Trent, will not be credentialed to see patients until the end of August. So, it will just be me in the interim.
Fortunately, my first week back will be rather light so I can get caught up on things.

Until then, I have created an insurmountable to-do list. So, I better get busy....

The Birth Story

My plan: Natural Delivery (my mother had fast labors with all four of us girls and my sisters had ultra fast labors...must run in the family, Right??!!...LOL)

Reality: Threw it out the window before even going to the hospital.

I woke up at 2 am Thursday night (Fri am) 29 May with mild contractions that were everywhere from 3 minutes to 10 min apart. I couldn't really sleep, not because they were that painful; I was more anxious to be in labor. I came downstairs and laid in the recliner and watched some TV. At 5am I dozed off for about an hour and when I woke up I didn't really have any more contractions. So, I went into work, figuring I should get some last minute things done since I probably wouldn't be there for 6 more weeks...or hoping I wouldn't be.

At 10am the contractions returned with a bit more intensity, but nothing too painful and nothing too consistent (again 3-7 minutes apart). I had an OB appt scheduled at 2pm, so I decided to go home and wait it out. Well, by about 1pm, they were starting to get much more intense. I packed my bag in the car, hoping this was going to be it. At 2, I checked in for my appointment and while we were waiting, I had some pretty intense contractions that were coming every 3-5 minutes. I was closing my eyes and gripping the chair and breathing through the contractions...noting several concerned looks from fellow patients in the waiting room. After about 20 minutes, his tech came out and said that labor and delivery was swamped and she asked if we could come back in 1 1/2 hours. I mustered the courage to say "okay", fearing that the ward was full and that I would have to come back in 1 1/2 hours, just to be told I would have to deliver at a British hospital.

So, we came back to our house (only 5 minutes from the hospital). And, in that hour and a half, was on all fours on the floor of our living room. Poor Aaron was trying to help, but nothing was doing the trick. At this point my body was telling me that I was on crack for wanting to do it natural.

We returned to the hospital at 4pm, to find out I was four centimeters dilated and 90% effaced. Eddie (my OB) declared "Let's have you a baby!" YEAH!!! Now, Aaron and I never attended a child birth class, so we did a lot of reading about L&D. And, I do remember reading that transition labor from 8-10 cm is the most painful....YIKES. I was claiming 7/10 pain at only 4 cm. So, I went back and forth about do I get the epidural or not. And, even though I really had wanted to try it natural, everything in my body was telling me to get it. I didn't want to labor for hours on end, just to get one anyways....(and, in hindsight, was the best decision given the size of Elsa!!). So, at 4:30 I got the epidural (they did a spinal first and that took effect in less than 5 minutes, then threaded the catheter in for the epidural) and at 5pm, he broke my water. Fortunately, since the fluid was clear, he decided to let me labor rather than administer pitocin. I found the epidural experience quite entertaining. I felt like a parapalegic! They had to change the bedding since he broke my water in the bed, so I had to have help rolling from one side to the other. The only downside I found of the epidural was laying in bed and requiring LOTS of fluid (my blood pressure kept dropping so they ended up giving me over 4 Liters of fluid!!) But, I was feeling no pain/contractions! He even commented how my contractions on the monitor were as intense as if he had given me pitocin (again, super happy about deciding to do the epidural). So, Aaron and I just hung out while I labored. I was dilating about 1 cm every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Every hour they were taking my vital signs and at 11 pm, I started to spike a fever. Suggesting that either the baby or I had an infection. He said that if it got any higher, I would require an antibiotic. When he checked me I was almost 10 cm and there was a little meconium in the fluid, so given that and the fever, he wanted things to progress sooner versus later. Fortunately, my body did what it needed to....And, at midnight, I started pushing....8 minutes later Elsa was born. It was the most incredible experience! Aaron was able to video tape from behind my head (very G rated as I really did not want to see the actually process) and I get teary eyed watching her being born. When he put her on my chest, i said "oh, she is so tiny!!". That was immediately followed by their comments..."oh, not really; she is quite chunky". They had to stimulate her a bit, but she started crying. They wanted to take her over to the table to evaluate her since she might have swallowed some mecomium and take her temperature. She had a slight fever, but it went down quickly. Aaron was with her while they were evaluating her; me...I had a few stitches to repair a small tear (again, happy that I had the epidural).

The recovery afterwards is what amazed me. I think I was a little naive about the post-delivery period. Fortunately, I DID know not to pack pre-pregnancy clothes! But, I really didn't consider how exhausted I would be and how sore I would be...especially after delivering a 9 1/2 pound baby. And, with all that fluid....I was soooo swollen. my feet were so swollen I couldn't even bend my toes. I could hardly wear my teva sandals home from the hospital.

Now, I am only 5 pounds away from my prepregnancy weight, but I think it will be ages before I can wear my normal clothes. The nice thing about being "all belly" when I was pregnant was that it was "cute" (at least that is what people were telling me). The bad thing (especially factoring Elsa's size) is that my stomach will never again be the same...I definitely have a "muffin top"...LOL. But, it was all worth it. And, I have an excuse to buy some new clothes! All the clothes I had bought in the past two years were more tailored/fitted. Factoring in the change in my physique with nursing and the "muffin top", all of my shirts feel like midriff shirts, if they do fit...I was joking that it was like my torso had elongated. And, my pants were more "low rise" and now accentuate my not so pleasant belly.

I have started walking with Elsa and doing light strength training, but am anxious to get back to the gym and really crank up the intensity. I think it may be awhile before I start running, but at least I will be able to do the elliptical/rowing and weights...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week Three/Four

Here are some more pics of little Elsa. She is finally starting to like the swing and bouncy seat which is nice for us because it frees up our hands a little.
Baths are hit or miss. I learned my lesson one night on how NOT to bathe her. She was falling asleep at 7 pm and I really wanted her to stay awake for at least one more hour before feeding her and putting her down. So, I thought "a bath will wake her up". Oh did it ever. I must not have woken her up enough because when I put her in the bath she was screaming!! And, it didn't stop for about 10 min after the bath.

On Jun 18th, we took Peggy back to the airport and picked up my parents (all in one trip!). My dad was here for 6 days. We pretty much stayed in the local area, but they enjoyed loving on their new granddaughter.
Grandpa enjoying some quality time with Elsa before heading back to the US.

And, for those of you who don't know, my mom is staying with us until Oct 1st!! It will make going back to work easier, knowing we don't have to put her in daycare quite yet. Then, in Oct, a friend of ours may help with part time daycare when Aaron has to work during the day.

Week Two

I can't believe she is two weeks old! She is getting so much more alert and is following toys with her eyes. She loves being read to. I know she can't really see the pictures, but she likes watching the pages move.

I had some concerns this week because she had several episodes of projectile vomitting. It really scared me since it was so much and it looked like a hose of milk coming out her mouth and nose. She was never in any distress, but I was!! Several of my friends who are moms said their children did it as newborns and it was usually due to too much milk with nursing too fast. She is a gulper. So, I started pumping and giving her bottles. I still want to nurse her some, but will mix in some bottles. We will see if that helps.

Her umbilical cord fell off on the 11th, so we were able to give her a real bath and start tummy time. She is a little indifferent to tummy time, but hopefully she will like it better.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our First Week with Elsa

The past week with Elsa has been full of firsts... And, we have been loving every minute of it.  I am sure all first time parents can relate to the stresses, but it is worth every minute of it.  The first few nights I slept with one eye opened, reacting to every little sound she made.  We have a pack and play set up on my side of the bed, so I can roll over and nurse easily in the middle of the night.  So far, she sleeps through the night...just waking up for feeding and then falls back to sleep.  And, over the past few days, she has become so much more alert and attentive.   She has discovered her hands and just stares at them.   She has had no difficulties with nursing.  Which has proven to be both good and bad because it seemed like for a few days there that was all she wanted to do....I felt like I never left the recliner and was nursing her every hour!  
She hates to be swaddled!  The little girl likes to move those arms and legs.  Any blanket we put over her legs is kicked off within minutes!  Thank goodness for sleep sacs!

Aaron's mom is working on a baby scrap book for Aaron (transferring photos from the old magnetic albums to archival album) and when we looked at a pic of Aaron when he was born...Elsa looks EXACTLY like him!  I will have to scan the photo in when I have more time.

Her 72 hour well baby check went well.  She was 8 lbs 15 oz..so she was within the acceptable weight loss limits.  Aaron got a lot of entertainment out of the exam.  The NP was checking her reflexes and muscle tone and rolled her over to check her back.  He spread her little butt cheeks and Elsa let out a huge fart.  When he transferred her to the scale, it was followed by a massive blow-out!  Aaron was laughing hysterically on the chair.  Well, we got a free diaper change!

On Thursday, we drove to Heathrow airport (about a 2 hour drive) to pick up Peggy (Aaron's mom) and it was Elsa's first road trip.  We stopped once on the way down to nurse and change her diaper;  otherwise, she slept the entire time.  

Here are some pics from her first week...
Aaron likes to set up photographs with all the flowers we have received.  He is such an incredible dad and I love to watch him interact with her. 

Our family friend, Laura Matson, came up from London for a visit on Friday.  Elsa really liked cuddling with her!

Peggy with her new grand daughter!  

And, we took Elsa to Church on Sunday and she did great.  She slept through the entire service! The called her up at the end of mass and introduced her to the congregation.  

Well, she is about to wake from her nap.  I haven't been able to reply to everyone's email yet or FB comments, but know we are grateful for the well wishes, thoughts and prayers.