Sunday, January 30, 2011


We barely unpacked from our week in Green Bay and headed to Monterrey with our friends Ann and Mike and their little boy Jacob (Elsa's first kiss...LOL). The weather was beautiful and we spent time strolling the beach, driving through Carmel and admiring million dollar homes (only $3800/square foot...geez, where do some of these people get that money?), and going to the aquarium.

Elsa is so funny with Jacob. The Alexander's gave us a photo Christmas card and ever since it arrived in the mail, Elsa walks all over the house just carrying it, pointing to Jacob, and then hugging the card. I told Ann that we need to have another one so I can put it on the fridge as the one Elsa has been loving on is all crumpled up!

Big Changes Happening

Just when we thought we were all settled....
As many of you know last year at this time, I was busy interviewing with many practices and after not finding "that perfect one" decided to stay in the military. They moved us to California, we bought a house, and were getting settled in our lives. Unfortunately, we started to second guess our decision. My position at this base is completely different than what I did in England. I went from treating patients to teaching residents how to do the procedures and watching them have all the fun. Even though teaching is rewarding in its own way, I really started to miss operating! And, lots of promises that were made by the military started to fizzle (no bonus that would make up for the pay disparity of private practice, increased risk of deployment to Afghanistan, frustrations with the military way, etc). In addition, one of the big reasons for us staying in was to have a family. But, after several rounds of fertility treatments and no luck, we really started to weigh why we were staying in.

I started casually looking for a practice and came across this incredible opportunity in Green Bay. They flew all three of us out to Green Bay and made me an offer the next week. We are thrilled! Although it was funny as we were driving around and exploring the city, Aaron kept chuckling and saying "I can't believe we might move to Green Bay!" But, it truely offerred everything we were looking for: mid-size city, great Catholic school options, Catholic university, outdoor recreation, great practice. And, no, we will not be wearing Cheeseheads quite yet (babysteps!)

We enjoyed my interview week. Both of our families drove into town to see us. Elsa got to meet her new cousin, Evie. It was funny watching her with the baby! Anytime Evie cried, Elsa was right there. She loved to help wipe her face and to hold the bottle. It will be so nice to be close to family! Andi's parents live in nearby Stevens Point, so we will definitely be seeing a lot of them! Aaron's Godparents, Tom and Pam also live in Green Bay so we spent some time with them too!

The practice put us up in a hotel with an indoor water park. Elsa loves the pool! They had a great area for little kids and she had a blast playing with Dad and the grandparents while I was off interviewing!

My contract with a bottle of wine from a local vineyard that we were saving for a special occasion. My separation paperwork was submitted the next day and I begin at BayCare on Sept 15th!!