Friday, January 15, 2010

The True Meaning of Christmas

This Christmas, minus the fact we were away from family, was by far the best Christmas I have EVER had! The true meaning of Christmas was revealed--that the best gifts in our lives can not be wrapped under a tree, can not be purchased, and that Jesus is the true gift of the season...and, ELSA! It was so incredible to experience Elsa's first Christmas. She could have cared less about what was in the boxes, but she was so interested in the noise wrapping paper made when crinkled. Unfortunately, she spent a majority of the day laying naked under the tree--she had the worst diaper rash from diarrhea (I blame it on all the traveling and my poor diet on the road).

This photo was also taken on Christmas...had to change into different pj's after Elsa peed on me!
We went for a walk that afternoon (mostly to burn off all of the cookies we consumed...LOL). It was a brief walk because it was sooo cold (alright, it wasn't as cold as you guys had in MN, but we froze!!)

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