Friday, January 15, 2010

7 Months Old

I seriously want time to SLOW down!! She is getting so big...but, at least she is still a cuddle bug. Due to our traveling in Dec, we had her 6mo appt more at 7 months. Her stats are:
Weight: 17 lbs 11 oz (70th percentile)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (95th percentile)
Head: 45 cm (100th percentile...gotta fit all those brains in somewhere :)

Since I am writing this now, she is really starting to move. She started by spinning in circles on her stomach on the floor to sliding along on her belly (around her 7th month birthday), to now getting up on all four and rocking back and forth. We definitely need to start childproofing as she is starting to open the lower drawers in our kitchen and explore shelves!

Unfortunately she doesn't realize how fast the drawers open and has been bumped in the face a few times.
And, exploring under our desk....
As I said in the previous post, she loves sitting in the high chair. We enjoy pulling her up to the table and having dinner as a family. She has started to get the hang of self feeding and utilizing her pinching grasp to eat the Gerber Puffs. It was entertaining at first because, although she could pick the cereal up, she couldn't quite figure out how to get it into her mouth. They would get soggy and stick to her hands and sleeve...then she would get frustrated. But, after about a week she is starting to get the hang of it.

We started putting her in the tub all by herself rather than in her infant tub or with me. Being the wiggle worm that she is, she likes to practice swimming! She is still a little wobbly in the tub sitting. Now, if I can just teach her the flutter kick!

She must have learned it from watching the swim meet the night before. I took Elsa to watch the team I used to coach and she loved watching the swimmers in the pool. It was fun to see the kids swim and they all loved Miss Elsa!

I had to dust off my military Service dress uniform yesterday. I was summoned to testify as an expert witness at a Court Martial hearing. It involved the trauma case I treated a couple of weeks ago. My first time inside a court was kind of fun!
And, nothing beats the comfort of daddy's shoulder!

I have been taking ALOT more pictures lately. My old college roommate, Melissa, gave me the great idea of capturing a year of our life in photos. My goal is to take one picture each day. She is much more creative and organized than I will have to check out her blog to see what I mean. My plan is just to post at least once a week with the photos from the week. Then down the road, I will have my blog published into a keepsake book.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to update my blog and share a bunch of other blogs I follow. Blogging has turned into such a hobby for me...more like a guilty pleasure I guess. I started by following a few blogs...some of other women who were also trying to conceive and some Christian blogs that were so insightful. Well, they would have other blogs linked on their blogs and on and on it goes. I have "met" some incredible people who have inspired me with great ideas (homemaking, parenting, decorating, etc), great wisdom, and incredible strength.

Until then....

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