Sunday, January 24, 2010

Homemade baby food 101

I have had several people ask me about how and why I make all of Elsa's baby food. First, I don't at all claim to be an expert on infant nutrition. But, over the past year and a half I have done a TON of reading on nutrition (both for us and for Elsa). I have always been a big promoter of organic foods due to less pesticides and I like the fact that it is helping the local farmers. We recently watched Food, INC. and it further reinforced my views. I highly recommend this movie! Although, it will probably make you never want to have a fast food burger EVER AGAIN!! I know thats how I felt after watching it!! Will definitely be starting my own garden when we get back to the US...and join a local CSA!!

So, I decided to make Elsa's food primarily based on it being more nutritious. Second, it is so much cheaper! I bought a dozen carrots from the local farmer's market for $1.50. It made 32 cubes of food!! The organic canned variety was $1.21 for two containers. People always comment about how "I don't have the time to do that". It is really not that time consuming. I make it in batches all at once. While the vegetables are steaming, I cook the chicken and get the food processor and ice cube trays all set up. I use the water the vegetables are steamed in for the liquid in the puree since it contains nutrients. Then, I get creative with the "recipe". At first, I used a single ingredient in each of the cubes to monitor for food allergies. Now, I create mini "casserole". Her favorite seems to be Chicken, leeks, and sweet potatoes. The batch I am making today is chicken, lentils, and broccoli. After it is pureed to the desired consistency, I put into the ice cube trays and cover with aluminum foil and place in the freezer for 24 hours. After that, I snap them out and put in a labeled zip loc bag. SO EASY!! Pure, wholesome food without yucky added ingredients.

Depending on what I decide to make, the whole process from cutting vegetables to putting in ice cube trays takes about 30-40 minutes and makes enough food for the month! And, it is really interesting to look at how the cubes of homemade food compare to the store bought kind. It looks like and tastes like REAL food!

So, there you have it. Two books I highly recommend are Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron. Not only does it talk about making your own baby food, but it truely is a crash course in nutrition. I really like the recipe for Super Porridge. It is jammed packed with Super Nutrients (made with Brown Rice, Millet, Steel cut oats, and lentils). It also talks about money and time saving tips with regards to raising children and there is a large section on Arts and Crafts (the good old-fashioned kind!!). The other one, First Meals by Annabel Karmel, was a gift from my friend Mora. This talks about age appropriate foods and has great recipes for the entire family!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I thought about homemade baby food with my boys, but, like you said, thought it would take too much time. How you describe it seems easy enough though. Maybe I'll try it with the next baby, whenever that may be! :)