Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chicago and interviews

So, I am already neglecting my resolution of being a better "blogger". But, between work and family, there is little time for "other" things. I am going to try to get all caught up in posts today and tomorrow.
As many of you know, I am committed to the military until July 2011. We have been busy researching practice opportunities and trying to get a feel as to what is out there. Aaron and I have had an aggreement since we started the military: Since he has allowed me to freely explore my career in Dentistry, and now, Oral Surgery, that once I get out of the military, he gets to pick our destination. This is proving harder than we initially thought. We have a whole list of requirements: I need to be able to find a job, it needs to have an abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities available, good Catholic schools, hopefully allowing us to live in a house with some elbow room (2-5 acres), etc. Unfortunately, the areas that have most of these, are saturated with Oral Surgeons. Go Figure. And, until recently, we have had our minds set on getting out of the military. But, then we found out that since they are critically short on oral surgeons in the military, they are going to approve what is called a Critical Skills Retention Bonus...a very LARGE bonus. It makes our decision even harder. I think our decision about what to do changes on an hourly basis. We are losing sleep. This decision will ultimately affect the rest of our lives...and it needs to be made soon. Whether I accept the bonus or not (stay in the military or get out) will determine where we move to this summer. We have been praying very hard for God's guidance with what to do.

In the beginning of December, we embarked on quite a trip back to the US (Elsa's second transatlantic flight!!). First stop was Chicago where I attended a Dental Implant Conference. While I was busy at lectures, Aaron and Elsa were exploring Chicago. Elsa even saw Santa...on the 94th floor of the John Hancock tower! I loved looking at the pictures Aaron took of Elsa around the city.

After 5 days in Chicago, we jetted off to Spokane for a week of interviews. Spokane was such a beautiful area and I think Aaron covered every square mile of the area while I was interviewing! Then, we flew back to MN for 4 days. I interviewed with Maplewood Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. They have offices in Forest Lake, Maplewood, and Woodbury. I would be replacing a retiring partner. I absolutely love the practice and all the partners, but we aren't sure if we want to settle down in a metropolitan area. Again...BIG DECISION that needs to be made.

We had fun visiting (albeit, briefly..) with family. Here are some pics of Elsa with her Grandmas and Godmother, Lindsay.

After a whirlwind trip, we returned to England absolutely exhausted! Elsa, once again, did a great job flying. Can't say it was much fun as she adjusted back to reality!

After almost three weeks of traveling, we came home to snow and a mailbox full of packages. Here is Elsa exploring the box of wrapped presents from Grandma Anderson.
And, she loves her new high chair from Aunts Taunya and Andi and Uncles Steve and Corey!!

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