I figure I better post some pics of Thanksgiving and Elsa's 6 month before we leave tomorrow for the States. Otherwise, it will be after our trip...after Christmas...and, then may never get done.
We enjoyed our first Thanksgiving as a family of three!! We are blessed beyond words and thank our heavenly Father for the gifts of our marriage, our daughter, our families and friends, our health, our job security, our lives in a free nation.... our cup is overflowing. Life is so good!
I made a turkey dinner for Aaron and I (mostly so we could have left over turkey sandwiches) and then we were joined by our friends Jim, Jean, and Linnea in the evening for some appetizers and good company.
She likes the green bean casserole as much as mom and dad!! LOL
And, today Elsa turned 6 months old!! I know I have said this many times before....but, I can't believe how time flies! She is getting so big!!
We are going to wait until we return to England on the 18th for her 6 month check up, so no stats to report.
At 6 months, she is starting to scoot on her stomach around on the floor. She loves rolling from one side of the room to the other.
*Favorite toys: Exersaucer, cloth blocks, still likes her floor mat, anything with tags (it is amazing how I try to hide them, but she is able to find them--it turns into quite the game), the tupperware toy with all the shapes you put through the sides--she doesn't know how to do that but it makes for a large rattle!
*Favorite games/activities: Peek a boo, mom's dance moves (part hip hop, part two step, part New Kids on the Block), going for jogs
*still no teeth, but they are on their way...at least I keep telling myself that since she is a drooling machine and EVERYTHING goes in her mouth!!
*I am still nursing, but we started giving her a bottle of formula during the day this past weekend. That was such a hard transition for me!! Breastfeeding has been such an incredible experience and, luckily, has gone extremely well. But, I don't want to drag the pump on our trip and probably won't have a lot of time to pump during my inteviews. I still plan on nursing in the am and evening for a while. I really enjoy the bonding and am not quite ready to fully quit. I wanted to do it at least for 6 months, but will probably continue until she is one year (or gets a tooth :) )
*We really enjoy her curiosity at even the simplest objects! It is fun to see her enjoy something for the first time.
*I still can't get enough of her smiles in the morning (or throughout the day for that matter).
*She is starting to get "mommy separation anxiety". If I walk into the other room she starts to fuss .
*She is now eating: rice cereal, bananas, pears, avocado, sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots. Elsa is quite the healthy little eater! I have been making all of her baby food and freezing it in batches.
Well, I better get back to packing. Please pray for a safe flight and for guidance in making some big decisions about our future in the next few weeks.
1 comment:
Thinking about you and your big decision....lots of prayers to you guys!!! PS- Ok, can she get ANY cuter?!?
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