Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mom's Surgery

By this time, all of this is old news... We got a phone call at 2am on 16 Oct and it doesn't go without saying that no good news comes with a phone call in the middle of the night. Hilary had taken my mom to the ER because of persistent severe headaches and altered mental status. A CT scan showed a 6cm mass in her frontal lobe that was causing midline shift and herniation (due to the size of the tumor and brain swelling her brain was no longer fitting in her skull). Fortunately, after additional studies, they (the radiologist and neurosurgeon) seemed fairly confident that it was a benign tumor. In most cases, they don't need to be removed. However, in my mom's case, the tumor was so large, she had no choice. We booked tickets home for her surgery that next week. You can check out her caring bridge website here for all the details.
Here is a picture of her a few days after surgery taking her first walk. She was a little shaky, but made fast progress.

Seeing Elsa was the best medicine!
Even though the reason for the trip wasn't exactly good, we were thankful we were able to be there for her surgery and to be in the comfort of family and friends.
And, everyone got to meet Elsa!! Here are some photos from the trip, including Halloween.
With Grandma Anderson and Cousins, Sari, Jess, and Hunter
Meeting Great Grandma Anderson
Elsa and I on Halloween at my parents house (Aaron and I brought our bavarian costumes...Elsa has a Dirndl too, but its for next year)
The cutest lady bug on the block.
With Great Grandma and Grandpa Kelly
The bavarian family :)

And, these are from our trip to the pumpkin patch with the Sattlers before we left.

Us with Jean and Linnea

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