Sunday, November 8, 2009

Four Months Old

Elsa and I before Church
She loves sitting in her Bumbo and watching us in the kitchen!

Her four month stats:
Height: 25.5 inches (95% percentile)
Weight: 16 lb 2 oz (82% percentile)
She has started rolling over (started about three days shy of her four month birthday). She first rolled from her stomach to her back and then, the next day, she rolled from her back to her stomach. At first it was frustrating at night. Once she was laid in her crib, she would instantly roll to her stomach and then fall asleep. However, in the middle of the night, she would get ticked because she was on her stomach. So, we would have to go in and roll her on to her back....Just to have the cycle repeat itself. It was like she forgot how to roll onto her back.
And she LOVES to hear her voice. She does this thing where she squeels/sings and moves her mouth like she is howling. Therefore, quiet restaurants are no longer in our near future!

We started to give her rice cereal...what an event her first feeding was. Not only was it going all over her, but all over me. She would literally spit it out. Thank goodness she is a much cleaner eater now!

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