Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Four Weeks Old!!

I can't believe she is four weeks old already!! Time has flown by! We are definitely starting to get the hang of this parenting thing...LOL! Here is a picture of her in her car seat as we head out for a walk. My Aunt Barb sent these cute MN Twins onesies.
Here is a picture of her on her four week b-day. Aaron was excited that she was dressed in something other than pink.
And, here is how she sleeps...in "touchdown" mode. She loves to be all stretched out...which is why she does NOT like her car seat or to be swaddled. Fortunately, she still likes to cuddle!
She is getting more alert as each day passes. We often lay her on her Einstein floor mat and she is so content just looking around. She even tries to roll around and gets her torso half way around. And, with tummy time she can raise her head a bit...but she gets frustrated after about 5 minutes of that. We are enjoying more frequent smiles and all the cooing... she's going to be a talker!

I am starting to get sad that I only have 12 more days of maternity leave left. But, I know that between my mom and Aaron, she is in good hands. When I return to work, I will be on call for 6 weeks. My partner, Brad, is moving back to the states and the other oral surgeon, Trent, will not be credentialed to see patients until the end of August. So, it will just be me in the interim.
Fortunately, my first week back will be rather light so I can get caught up on things.

Until then, I have created an insurmountable to-do list. So, I better get busy....

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