Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week Three/Four

Here are some more pics of little Elsa. She is finally starting to like the swing and bouncy seat which is nice for us because it frees up our hands a little.
Baths are hit or miss. I learned my lesson one night on how NOT to bathe her. She was falling asleep at 7 pm and I really wanted her to stay awake for at least one more hour before feeding her and putting her down. So, I thought "a bath will wake her up". Oh did it ever. I must not have woken her up enough because when I put her in the bath she was screaming!! And, it didn't stop for about 10 min after the bath.

On Jun 18th, we took Peggy back to the airport and picked up my parents (all in one trip!). My dad was here for 6 days. We pretty much stayed in the local area, but they enjoyed loving on their new granddaughter.
Grandpa enjoying some quality time with Elsa before heading back to the US.

And, for those of you who don't know, my mom is staying with us until Oct 1st!! It will make going back to work easier, knowing we don't have to put her in daycare quite yet. Then, in Oct, a friend of ours may help with part time daycare when Aaron has to work during the day.

1 comment:

Britt Feder said...

Oh she is such a little peanut! I love her dark hair!