Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week Two

I can't believe she is two weeks old! She is getting so much more alert and is following toys with her eyes. She loves being read to. I know she can't really see the pictures, but she likes watching the pages move.

I had some concerns this week because she had several episodes of projectile vomitting. It really scared me since it was so much and it looked like a hose of milk coming out her mouth and nose. She was never in any distress, but I was!! Several of my friends who are moms said their children did it as newborns and it was usually due to too much milk with nursing too fast. She is a gulper. So, I started pumping and giving her bottles. I still want to nurse her some, but will mix in some bottles. We will see if that helps.

Her umbilical cord fell off on the 11th, so we were able to give her a real bath and start tummy time. She is a little indifferent to tummy time, but hopefully she will like it better.

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