Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sweet Pea

I can't believe our little peanut is 6 weeks old! The past few weeks have flown by. As I was nursing her this morning, it made me sad to think that I am going back to work on Monday. I love spending time with her and seeing her change daily. But, I am savoring every minute of it and am so grateful to be her mommy! This is one of the few pics of just her and I (the tradeoff to taking most of the pics).
My sister, Lindsay, and her husband, Toby, flew in for 10 days. We selected them to be Elsa's Godparents, so they came to celebrate her Baptism (an entirely separate post!).
For those of you who know Lindsay, know how much she LOVES cake (she seriously needs to attend a support group)! So, Elsa wanted to welcome them to England with a special cake. It was their first trip across the Atlantic!
We celebrated the 4th of July at a local military base. It is ironic to be celebrating independence day in a country we were trying to become independent from! I was curious as to what the Brits thought of this. Aaron's boss is British, and he said the Brits are just glad they could give us a holiday to celebrate. Guess it is a good way to think about it. I think they are just in denial that we kicked their butts!
Here is Elsa in her Patriotic attire...GO USA!!!
All tuckered out...
Going for a walk with Grandma, sporting her MN fleece hat.
Wednesday, I took Lindsay and Toby to London. Aaron and my mom stayed back with Elsa since we didn't want to take her on the subway. Aaron ended up needing some help with Elsa since he injured himself at work...he crushed his hand between two kegs and wound up in the emergency room. fortunately, nothing was broken, but he has a finger brace on and can't work for 2-3 weeks since he can't lift anything too heavy.
Thursday, we traveled to the coastal village of Southwold. You can tell from the pics that it was a typical English day...cold, cloudy, and rainy. But, it was fun, nonetheless.

Check out these crazy beach huts. I guess it is their equivalent of an icehouse.

Well, I will post more about the baptism later. I am exhausted. Hopefully she will continue her sleeping trend! Three nights in a row of 7+ hours of straight sleep!! Especially after her LONG day today, I am hoping for another.

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