Saturday, July 11, 2009

Baptism 11 July 2009

Elsa received her first sacrament yesterday. Father Max presided over the mass. And, Elsa wore the dress my grandmother, MaryAnn, made from her wedding dress. It was even wore by my mom at her baptism. It was so beautiful and Elsa looked so precious in it.

You can even see the cute rosary bracelet given to her by her Godparents.
She was so tired after a LONG day. Where do I begin. Let's just say that after Mass, I asked Father Max if he was sure he completed the exorcism part of the ceremony. Little Miss Elsa was not having a good day. She was fussy all day and feeding every 1 1/2-2 hours (normally every 3-3 1/2), hadn't napped all day, and hadn't pooped in three days...the making of a perfect storm. I fed her about 3:15 (mass was at 5pm). She had a major melt down at about 4:15 when we changed her into her dress. She was inconsolable for about 20 minutes. Fortunately, she fell asleep in the car seat on the way to mass. She slept through the procession in, the readings and Father Max's homily. As soon as he called us up for the actual Baptism, she woke up. And, the crying began. I put my knuckle in her mouth and I think the congregation could hear her sucking at the back of the church. When he rubbed the Chrism oil on her, her hair was all spikey and her face was bright red and she kept mom video taped and we couldn't even hear the priest over the screaming. Oh, well, Elsa made it a memorable event in two ways! I joked that the only thing that could have made it worse was that she had a blow out and poop all over me. Which occured when we got home (not the all over me part)...but she was a much more content baby after that. Too bad we couldn't go back to church and repeat the ceremony. Ah, the joys of parenthood!

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