Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Potty Training

Wow! Potty training is such an adventure! With the new baby arriving soon, we decided to start the potty training process. We never really pushed the process, but let her go at her own pace. I created a potty training chart and let Elsa pick out stickers at target. We started it on Dec 4th and as you can see, she has done quite well. We kept her in pull ups until Santa brought her big girl underpants in her stocking.

She initially used her toddler toilet, but quickly wanted the regular toilet. The only problem is she wanted to be very independent and get on herself. Watching her get on the toilet is down right comical!

The other comical thing is that for awhile anytime adults would go to the bathroom, she would offer up stickers to them. She would stand outside of the door and wait for them to finish. Fortunately, all of the guests we would have over were good sports! And, when she flushes the toilet she waves and says "bye poopie...go home". The one thing I have not liked with potty training has been the use of public restrooms. I swear the girl touched EVERYTHING! Now, I have her walk in with her hands up high and don't let her touch anything. It is funny when we return back to the table or walk out, she announces to everyone "I go poop out my butt" or "I go potty!!!" The excitement in her voices is hilarious!!

With the exception of a few accidents, she is almost 100% trained. We still do pull ups for naps and bedtime, but for the most part she wakes up dry!

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