Thursday, February 16, 2012

1st 6 weeks with Chet (and with two kids)

Wow! In some ways the last 6 weeks have cruised by and are a blur; in other ways it seems like an eternity! I must say that the recovery from child birth has been much easier this time than with Elsa! With Elsa, I felt I needed the full 6 weeks the military gave me for my body to recover. With Chet, I felt great the next day (minus a sore elbow and bump on my head), but HOLY COW the exhaustion is unbelievable with two! He was still waking every two hours until 5 weeks and Elsa was waking up at 5:30 each morning. Each feeding took about an hour due to problems with spitting up and keeping him upright afterwards...which meant I only got an hour of sleep (if that) between feedings. At 5 weeks, I introduced formula at night. He now sleeps about 4-5 hours at a stretch! Huge blessing since there was no way I would have been able to go to work that tired! And, Aaron has been wonderful with helping out with feedings now that we have worked in formula!

Chet is pretty much the polar opposite of Elsa. He is quite fussy unless being held. I had this huge to-do list of things I wanted to accomplish during my maternity leave and have pretty much tossed it out the window! But the house can wait. She slept 5 hours+ after three weeks (was only breastfed) and, as I previously said, he was waking every two hours--he has quite the appetite. And, the poor kid has terrible gas. Not only burps, but he sounds like a motor boat due to excessive "fluffs!" You could just tell how uncomfortable he was. The pediatrician recommended I cut out ALL dairy products due to concern of a milk protein allergy. I don't think it has really helped, but I continue to eliminate dairy and am now contemplating a vegan lifestyle.

But, I think he is slowly turning a corner. I am slightly concerned he has some reflux, so in two weeks I am going to ask the pediatrician when we go in for his next appointment. He is starting to smile which I LOVE! Until the smiles, I was beginning to think he didn't like us :) Here is one I took of him today.
I can not even describe the feeling of love I have when I get to cuddle with both of my kids on my lap! I am so blessed. I enjoy watching Elsa interact with him. She has been such a great big sister and has not demonstrated any jealousy! She loves to help me by grabbing diapers, getting blankets, talking to Chet while I get dinner ready...when he cries, she quickly tells me "Chet is crying" and will go over to him and say "Don't cry sweetheart".

Here are some more pics of our first 6 weeks at home!

First bath home from the hospital. He was not a big fan!This floor mat was a gift from my office manager and is amazing! It is so soft! Elsa will often lay on it if she watches TV.
We are a family of four!
With my parents and sister before they headed back to MN

Elsa loves to be where ever Chet is. She crawled down on the mat and started to read to him. So precious!
Peggy with Elsa and Chet
First real bath!!! He loved it!
He looks a little spooked here, but Aaron really wanted one with him and the blanket.
Here are the two kiddos on daddy's lap.
Elsa always asks to hold Chet
His three weeks statistics: 12 lbs 2 oz (98th percentile)
23 1/2" (98th percentile)
Head: 40.5 (97th percentile)

We went to MN for 10 days during my maternity leave! It may have been a little ambitious of us in hindsight, but it was great to spend time with family! The first weekend, we were in Mankato and were able to have Chet's baptism. Elsa had fun hanging out with her cousins! Although with 5 kids 5 and under it was CHAOS and noisy! Lindsay and Toby are Chet's Godparents. So, since Lindsay is addicted to cake, we decided to have cake to celebrate the occasion.
Elsa kept wanting to go swimming. Well, since MN winters and outdoor pools don't go together, swimming in "pappa's" hottub was the next best thing. She wasn't quite sure of what to think about the jets.
My parents have this cute kid table they brought into the kitchen. Elsa insisted grandma and dad eat breakfast with her at the table.
Feb 5th was Chet's Baptism. Our family friend, Father Don, presided over the Sacrament.

Yes, we had MORE cake.

Tomorrow I am gone all day for a CE course our office is putting on and then Monday (the 20th) I start seeing patients. I have mixed emotions about returning to work. As a mom who works outside of the home, I can never have enough time at home with the kids! But, I am excited to get a routine/schedule established.


The Henkels' said...

Love the pictures. Elsa is such a good big sis! Was so fun seeing you guys.

beth said...

Wow! Your house sounds a lot like ours right now! I know it gets better - that's how people have more than two children, right:)