Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Elsa 2 1/2 years

So, this post is quite a bit late. She is more like 2 years and 20 months now! I really need to get better about updating my blog as we go through life.

But, I wanted to make sure I document this stage so we don't forget about all the ramblings of our toddler. She is still quite sassy and fiercely independent! We are definitely learning to pick our battles. Even though it takes a lot longer for her to get into the car seat by herself and buckle herself in, put her shoes on, get dressed by herself, etc.... major battles ensue if we try to help. Plus, it is just all part of the process of her gaining independence!

It seems with potty training, our life revolves around poop and potty. That was a whole separate post in and of itself! We always have described farting as fluffing...sounds a bit more feminine. Well, she can't stop talking about fluffing now! When the car drives over the rumble strips (or whatever those bumps are in the road telling you that you are coming up to a stop sign or driving of the road) Elsa says "Car goes fluff". It cracks me up that she think the car has gas :)

She loves Montessori and continues to thrive there. In fact, she gets to move up to the preschool class since she is doing well and is potty trained! Here is one from her Christmas pageant at school. We decorated cookies when we were all done.
Here she is all set to go to school! She loves having her backpack and lunch box! the purse is just an added accessory! I think we are in trouble!

She completed her first swimming class at the YMCA. She loves going swimming, but hates laying on her back!
"Go Packers" is a favorite phrase of hers when she sees any sports on TV. I did buy her an Aaron Rodgers jersey when we were at a game that I think she would wear every day if we let her!

She has developed a crazy fetish with sock lint between her toes! She thinks it is a "boo-boo"

Obsessed with Shrek! Other favorite movies: Monsters Inc, A Bug's Life, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Club

Loves her cousins and calls all men "Toby" (she really likes her uncle!)

She loves to read and sing! She has even started to insist on reading books on her own and can do quite well! We have read Brown Bear, Brown Bear so many times she has it memorized! She also likes to sing Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Loves looking at Christmas cards and talks to the people on them.

Enjoys helping me bake. She loves to say "I help you mommy..okay?" and she pulls the chair over to the prep counter! When I baked oreo truffles for the girls at my work, I had to use the food processor and the pulse button provided her with a ton of excitement!

She calls Santa "Ho-Ho"

A very early riser! We are talking 5-5:15am! Hopefully this will change! I really wish we would have just kept her in the crib!

She loves princesses and saying "I a princess, mommy a princess, daddy a princess"

And, as I said in my post about Christmas...I really need to get better with taking (and posting) more pics of our daily life. My goal is to eventually print this blog in a hard cover book rather than scrapbook!

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