Thursday, May 6, 2010

I guess i have a lot of catching up to do: SWEDEN

Two weeks ago we flew to Sweden to visit our friend Mattias. He was a foreign exchange student who lived with Aaron's family back in high school. He was in our wedding and his brothers wedding, and we haven't seen him for several years. So, with Peggy visiting and the fact that we are leaving the UK in a couple of months, we figured it was the perfect opportunity.

We boarded a jet. Thankfully the volcanic ash air restrictions were lifted that morning. We didn't know if our flight was going to take off until we got to the airport. Now, for those of you who don't know about is definitely an experience. It makes Southwest Airlines look like a 5 star airline!! No frills and minimal service. Aaron joked about feeling like we were on a home shopping network: they sold lottery tickets, smokeless cigarettes, perfume, and calling cards at various times throughout the flight.
This is the terminal at Goteburg (Gothenberg City)....definitely didn't need to allow two hours prior to flight for check in. As soon as our flight landed, they took off back to England only 20 minutes later.
Here is the city of Goteburg
We went up to Heaven (no, not that one...) and saw some great views of the city.
Mattias and his dad at the Science museum
Elsa loved watching the fish. It was her first time to an aquarium and she was absolutely intrigued by all the animals.

No, don't touch the birds.
Peggy and Mattias about ready to go into the rainforest
After touring Goteburg, we drove to their hometown of Jonkoping. It was approx 1 1/2 hour drive. That part of Sweden is so scenic. It reminds me a lot of northern MN with lots of trees and lakes. Jonkoping sits on the southern part of a large lake. Here is Mattias and his girlfriend, Anna. They were such great hosts. Their apartment was amazing. Very Sleek. Very Modern. Definitely not baby proofed. I was so worried Elsa was going to break or damage something!!
The view from their apartment to the harbor
Welcomed with Andersson beer
An amazing meal!! We joked about how when they come to visit us, we are going to have to secretly hire a chef. Incredible food. Incredible presentation. Multiple courses. Definitely did not lose any weight on this trip!
Aaron got a kick out of their refrigerator. It was more organized than seen on MTV cribs.
It is fun to see what people of other cultures eat. We joked about we should have a blind taste test of Aaron. He tried Pickle herring mustard and Kaviar paste at breakfast!!
Elsa all bundled up for the cold!!
Downtown Jonkoping.
Strolling along the lake
Jonkoping's hockey team was playing for the National championship. Anna's company sponsors the team so she let Aaron wear one of the jerseys. I think it is a wee bit small.
Mattias and Aaron swapping hockey teams.
Elsa bundled up for more cold...
A view of the city from a bluff.
On Saturday, we drove to his mom and dad's house.
Here we are all enjoying each others company
Elsa was quite the entertainer!! Maya absolutely adored her!
Another amazing dinner. It was the largest, most incredible Salmon with a lobster sauce. Delicious. Diet will resume tomorrow.
Her kiwi-fig-ice cream dessert. Definitely will need to locate a chef when they come visit us.

1 comment:

The Pooley Fam said...

Looks like an amazing trip!!!! I can't wait to come visit in CA this fall! I think that will be our first official "FAMILY" vacation for us!