Sunday, May 9, 2010

11 Months Old

Wow!! Elsa is 11 months old!! I can't believe in one month she will be one year old!!

I am not sure how much she weighs, although she loves to play with the scale in the guest bath and I tried to put her on it. Gross estimate of 23 lbs. And, she is so tall!! She wears 2T pants! We recently transitioned to size 4 diapers and she is wearing anything from 12 month- 2T clothes (baby clothes are more varied that women's clothing!!)

She is such a social baby! She loves to people watch and wave to them. The other day when I was taking her up for communion, she kept playing peek a boo with my friend Lilliana by alternating looking over each shoulder. Then when we stopped in the aisle, she started waving and talking to a family. Definitely not shy!!

She loves crawling up the stairs. If she realizes that either Aaron or I have come down the stairs and failed to latch the gate, she seizes the opportunity.

Once she gets to the top, she turns around and starts clapping.
I wish I could capture a picture of her face as she is tackling the stairs. She has a look of such fierce determination!

She loves exploring every corner, drawer, cabinet, room, etc. It is starting to be a challenge locating objects as she often moves things from one room to another or "helps" put things away. Here she has crammed her book, magnetic letters, and a kitchen towel into the drawer under the stove.
Grandma Anderson gave her these magnetic letters and she absolutely loves them. We keep a bucket near the refrigerator because she loves to remove them from the fridge and put them into the bucket. Then, she tips the bucket over and then puts them back on the fridge. It is nice to have some entertainment in the kitchen that can keep her occupied while we cook dinner.
She is starting to get close to standing on her own!! It scares me so much!! We have tile throughout the first floor and she has already bumbed her head on more than one occasion. She loves to make laps around our coffee table, but doesn't quite like to walk assisted with mom or dad.

And, the thing I ABSOLUTELY love, is that she is giving me kisses. The other weekend, we brought her into our bed and I asked for a kiss. She gave me the sweetest (albeit juicy, open mouthed) kiss!!

Here is a cute pic of her in the stylish sunglasses we bought her for our cruise.

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