Sunday, May 9, 2010

1st Birthday Dress Rehearsal

Since Peggy was visiting us for two weeks, we decided to have a small, early birthday party in preparation for her big party.

We let her open presents first. She got a cute fuzzy billy goat puppet, a soft book where we can put in pictures of our family, and this cute jack in the box. She loved them!!

Grandma demonstrating how the toy worked
Pop goes the weasel!!

At first, she didn't quite know what to think. She was very delicate with the frosting.
She needed a little assistance from dad and reassurance that it was safe to eat.

Before long, she was fully exploring!! Still much cleaner than I had anticipated.

After this...immediately in the bath tub!! Peggy joked about how there was cupcake crumbs down her stomach and in her diaper. Thanks for helping me celebrate Grandma!!

This next month is going to be a whirlwind!! We are having her party next Sunday the 16th. On the 21st, we are shipping our SUV back to the States (it will take 51 days to arrive) and our household is being packed up on the 26-28th as it will take 60 days to arrive in CA. We will be reading lots of books, taking lots of walks, and living life with rental furniture. So, I have to put aside everything we will need for the next two months and separate out so the movers don't pack it. In addition, I have to pull out "essentials" such as a few dishes, pots/pans, coffee pot, etc. These are consistered "unaccompanied baggage" and will be mailed the day before we leave on our cruise. This is flown and will arrive by the time we get to CA. It was one thing when it was just Aaron and I. Add in Miss Elsa to the equation and it is so much more stressful. But, we are so excited to move to CA. We enjoyed our time in England, but are so anxious to return to the states!!

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