Here is Aaron and Peggy in front of Kings College (one of 31 colleges within Cambridge University)
Then, just down the street, we visited Trinity College. It has the largest enclosed green of any campus in Europe.
And, a trip to Cambridge, isn't complete without Punting...especially on a beautiful day (we have been blessed with 75+ temps and sun for the past week....a rare find in England)
Today...I had to work while Aaron and Peggy got to play--not FAIR!!! Here is a pic of me in my new uniform with my major rank. Check out those boots...they can do some real damage!
They went to the Ely Cathedral which is a Church of England. The church was built in the 1100s. We went to mass here for the Easter Vigil and it is based in Catholicism. However, it separated from the Catholic Church in the 16th century because Henry the VIII wanted to divorce his wife (after he apparently beheaded 6 other wives because they couldn't bear him a son) and the Catholic Church wouldn't let him. It is incredible to think that this church was established well before America was discovered.
They did a tour that takes you up through windy staircases onto the roof of the Octagon Tower with views of the English Countryside and allows you to look down into the church.
And, here are some photos of some of our friends that we had over for a BBQ on Friday night.
The first is of me and Marissa. She is married to Chris, who I work with, and she is an Active Duty Emergency Room Nurse.
Here is a photo of Aaron, Travis (seated), and Chris--what a bunch of great looking guys (especially the one on the left)
Please say a prayer for several of our friends that recently left for deployment. Steve (our neighbor) is in Afghanistan for 5 months, Brian (one of the swimming parents) is in Qatar for 5 months, and Travis (Aaron's main golfing buddy) is in a classified location for at least two months. I know that they would all appreciate your prayers and support!
That is all for now. We will post again when we return from Prague!
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