I also was promoted to the rank of Major this past week and can formally wear the new rank/uniform on Monday...
Here are a few pics from my promotion ceremony. It is a formal military event and I am wearing my Service Dress. Col McDonnel, our med group commander is on the left, and Col Wilson, the dental squadron commander is on the right.
Then, after the formal battery of "Take-Shake-Salutes", Aaron and Brad (the other surgeon with me) "pinned" me (took off my Captain Bars, and pinned the Major Rank on)
Here is a pic of me, Jess, and Heather...we decided to "help ourselves" behind the bar.
We are gearing up for a busy few weeks. Peggy is coming to visit on Sunday for 10 days and we will be going to Prague next week. Then, about two weeks after she leaves, Aaron and I go on our 14 day cruise in the Mediterranean! Other upcoming trips: British Open in July, Normandy with my parents and uncle Dave in August, and Munich for Octoberfest...for all of you that are jealous...get your butts on over here and visit us! We don't want to hear the excuse about how the Dollar is weak against the Pound and Euro...you get a free place to crash, chauffeur, and some great entertainment...what more can you ask for!
CONGRATS on becoming a Major! Miss you both...hopefully I will be able to come back and visit sometime soon!
Definitely jealous that you are tripping all over the place! The cruise is going to be some wonderful (and much needed) time together! That will all be lost when you have kids! Enjoy it while you can! We hope to come visit again soon. Maybe with Brittany or something!
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