Day 1... We arrived early in the morning...Thanks to my husband booking a 6 am flight at an airport 1 hour away...Love ya hun! We dropped off our luggage at Hotel Waldenstein in the Little Quarter (Prague is organized into 5 areas and Little quarter is the most central). We walked over the Charles Bridge into Old Quarter. The Charles bridge crosses over the Vlatava and is lined with several statues. Here is a photo of Peggy and I halfway across the 520 meter bridge that was built in 1357. In the background is the Prague Castle with the St. Vitus Cathedral.
Here is a view looking back to Little Quarter. you can see several of the statues.
Aaron and I in front of St. John Nepomuk, who was tortured and thrown off the bridge in the late 1300's. The reliefs on the statue depict the martyrdom of the saint. They are polished bright from people rubbing it for good luck.
Aaron and Peggy in the Old Quarter overlooking the Vltava and Little Quarter, with the Prague Castle/St. Vitus Cathedral in the background.
Aaron and I goofing off in front of the US Embassy
Our quaint hotel, all three of us did not have to sleep in two twin beds. There was an additional bedroom off of this one.
Day 2. We walked up to the Prague castle. This was taken at a scenic overlook
The next few are of the St. Vitus Cathedral and the Prague Castle. We rented audiophones that explained the Gothic architecture of the grounds and the religious artifacts. Several Bishops are buried here.
It was nice to have the Audiotours because it explained the significance of the various Popes and Bishops to the Czech church and the meaning of the frescos, stained glass, and the various chapels off the High Alter.
We climbed 287 steps of the Great South Tower of the St. Vitus Cathedral. It was a spiral staircase that was filled with the odor of the Europeans and became very interesting when meeting oncoming "traffic". But, the view was worth it!
We took a break at a pub on the way back to our hotel. A typical Prague street in the background
Day 3...We visited the Church of St. Nicholas. It is interesting that these Churches sat empty during the Communist Rule (from approx 1948-1989) because of a ban on organized religion
Yeah!!! Starbucks!!! Although it was about 7 dollars for my Venti Caramel Macchiato. Prague is going to the Euro next year and are currently using the Czech Koruna. There are approximately 16 Koruna in 1 US Dollar...made for some interesting math. Next time...bring a calculator.
Next, we toured the Wallenstein Palace and Gardens, home of the Czech Senate. Here is a pic of Aaron and I in front of a pond with a Statue of Hercules (you can see the Church of St. Nicholas in the background)
Aaron and Peggy in one of several gardens on the property. In the back left corner is what is called the looked like carvings of people scaling a wall in the distance, but is a imitation of the walls of a limestone cave, covered in stalactites.
Have you ever seen an albino peacock? There were several peacocks "chirping" away in the gardens. What can I say...I have sympathy for this one...its not easy being pale complected.
At one of our favorite restaurants...St. Nicholas Cafe.
Aaron in front of the US Embassy. He was able to go inside and speak with one of the Ambassadors. Had we been in town for a bit longer, he offered to give us a tour of the City. He stated that the US Embassy in Prague is one of the softest targets because there is not a 100 yard perimeter around the building. But, they do check all cars driving past the Embassy and will not allow cars to stop in front.
This is Old Town Square with a huge astronomical clock and more beautiful Churches and sculptures.
Aaron was extremely patient with Peggy and I while we shopped for crystal and various Souvenirs, so Aaron's one request was to find U Flexu. A brewery that was established in 1499. It was a lot of fun. We sat at a long table, a waiter brought us all a beer and convinced us to try some shot of the nastiest tasting alcohol. And, when you were finished with your beer, you received it or not. These really cute old guys were playing mostly German music (our table was filled with crazy Germans...I can say that since I am part German). It was quite the lively atmosphere...a good, mild preparation for our trip to Munich in October.
Hope you enjoyed these took FOREVER (2 hours) to post them all.
Oh, and while we were enjoying ourselves in Prague, someone in California was enjoying a shopping spree with my Bank Card!!! Luckily, my bank froze my card (the thieves managed to spend over $700.00 and it could have been worse) and the case is going to the Fraud Investigation Dept...gotta love ID theft! Hopefully it gets resolved before our cruise. card is in my wallet and they must have made a duplicate card...
Thanks for all the pictures Courtney! (I enjoyed your bank card too....just kidding!) So how do you suppose someone in CA got a hold of your card? That is super scary, what a bummer it had to be while you were on vacation. At least they didnt go completely crazy buying big big ticket items.
I'm glad mom was able to have the opportunity to visit eourope with you guys I am sure it was very memorable for her. Taunya
Thanks for all the pictures Courtney! (I enjoyed your bank card too....just kidding!) So how do you suppose someone in CA got a hold of your card? That is super scary, what a bummer it had to be while you were on vacation. At least they didnt go completely crazy buying big big ticket items.
I'm glad mom was able to have the opportunity to visit eourope with you guys I am sure it was very memorable for her. Taunya
From the Griffiths Family:
WOW! What amazing pictures you have, and memories of a lifetime! It looks beyond words...I'm so happy for you all that you were able to enjoy that trip together. No shortage of adorable "Courtney and Aaron" pics! =0) Take care,
Stacy, Willy and kiddies
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