Friday, August 8, 2014

Bye Bye Facebook

Well, I cut the cord last weekend!  I deactivated my Facebook page.   Yes, it kept me in close contact with family and friends I would not have otherwise been in contact with.    But, with the all too convenient access on my phone, iPad, etc, I was checking it alot.  If I was a passenger in the car, I would glance through updates.  If I wanted to kill sometime at work, I would glance through updates.  It was almost habit.  In addition, I started to dislike some peoples content/photos if you know what I mean.  I really don't care to see you doing keg stands in a too small bikini…

I was tempted to just unfriend some people, but then I didn't want that awkward moment if we met and I was asked if I was still on FB.

I thought of just creating a new alias, but then it was back to the whole "if i had it, i would check it" thing.

Working full time and having a family is tough.  time is at a premium.

It was interesting that the day after I deactivated my account, I got an interesting "Daily Food for Thought" from dynamic Catholic:

          "You have limited time and resources, and just this one short life on earth.  How
            will you use it to do the most good for the most people?"

It goes beyond the time.  It is about being more intentional about MY family and less concerned about who is doing what or going where or buying what house.  It is about being content with what I have and using that for the most good!  And, not missing the little moments with my family.

I saw this video a few months ago and it has a great message!!

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