He has turned into such a character! And, he is very persistent!! He constantly likes to crawl up the stairs and gets quite ticked if you interupt this activity.
There are four new teeth coming in making for eight total.
Has been sick ALOT! We even went to the emergency room last month because he was coughing so hard and vomitting. They took a swap for whopping cough, but suspect croup. He has had two double ear infections. We never had to deal with ear infections with Elsa! Poor lil guy can't seem to catch a break!
He loves "so big", waving, and it starting to walk along furniture.
Favorite foods: Yogurt bites, hot dog, mac and cheese, ground turkey, black beans, peas, bananas
Thinks dropping food on the floor is a fun thing to do!
Christmas was fun this year as Elsa is starting to understand more about it! She even sat on Santa's lap with NO tears!!! Although I did learn my lesson! We went on Christmas eve and it was then I learned that she wanted a guitar!! Where in the heck was I to find a guitar this late and why did she want a guitar?? Fortunately Target had a $10 dollar Leap Frog guitar that is only mildly annoying. We don't really plan on buying the kids everything they ask for. But, I specifically told her the only way Santa is to know what you want is to sit on his lap and tell him. And, it was the only thing she asked for.
The only thing I disliked this Christmas was decorating. I know I am a scrooge. But, with a soon to be one year old constantly pulling everything down, it was not fun. Instead of our stockings hung by the chimmeny with care, they were flipped up on the mantle so as not to cause head trauma to the previously mentioned destructor :)
And, I kept the ornaments to a minimum. I think we hung only 10 ornaments and they were all up high.
Elsa did have fun helping me put up the lights though. She is such a big helper!
She loved playing with "her computer" under the tree.
We went to the Children's mass at Church on Christmas eve and then came home to open gifts from the Grandparents and cousins.
On Christmas day, they opened up their gifts from Santa and we baked cupcakes to celebrate Jesus' birthday.
I had off from the 27th-New Years Day, so we traveled back to MN to see family. Elsa had a lot of fun playing with her cousins! Here are the Anderson cousins on Sunday of the Viking Packer game.
Also, some news from December: We put an offer on a house and are under contract!! We decided that after moving 9 times since being married in only 10 years (which involved two countries, four time zones) we wanted to settle down!! Here is a picture of the outside of the house. We move in around Feb 14th. We are so excited!!
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