We had a low key first birthday with just our family since we had just gotten back from MN. I have to say, Chet was not so sure about his cupcake! He did try to take a bite and then just poked at it. I think he was a little tired.
I took Chet to his One year well baby check two weeks after he turned one, but his stats are:
Weight: 23 lb 13 0z (81st percentile)
Height: 31.5" (92nd percentile)
The bad news from his check up is that he is on his third double ear infection! It seems that everytime he starts to teethe or come down with a cold, the ear infection makes its appearance. So, back onto antibiotics he goes. I think we are looking square in the face with tubes in the near future.
The big change from last month's update is that he is a walking machine!!! He is so proud of himself! And, he is now into EVERYTHING!!! I mentioned before his persistence when he focuses on something. Now multiply that by 100! If he starts to explore something he shouldn't and we take him away, he gets really mad and then repeatedly tries to do it again. I think I had to close this one cupboard at least 10 times in a row yesterday!
I can't believe how different boys and girls are--Anatomic differences aside. The amount of energy this little dude has is mind blowing! And, he is so much rougher and less of a snuggler than Elsa was and is!
Here is a cute picture of Elsa holding Chet's hand while watching Dora
I guess I should give some updates on Elsa!
She continues to thrive in preschool. Miss Thornton says she is such a good leader and loves to help in class. I am amazed at everything she is learning to do and is getting better at. She is starting to write her name and loves to recognize letters. She LOVES coloring and is getting good at coloring in the lines. We have her enrolled in pre-ballet/tap with two of her friends, Annie and Kate, and they are so adorable in class! I can't wait until her first recital in May!
She is very affectionate and loves to give kisses and hugs to us. But, she is definitely starting to exert her independence! We are trying to deal with some lying. The funny thing is I googled tips on how to deal with this and everything focused on children that lie at this stage actually have higher IQs! I think I would rather have a child that didn't lie than a child with a slightly higher IQ!
We are still having some difficulty with sleep during the night. If she wakes up she comes into our room and we have to go into her room. usually it involves laying down with her until she falls back to sleep--bad habit, I know. It will be interesting in our new house since the Master bedroom is on the main floor and the kids will be upstairs.
I am glad that her current school and a parochial school that we are looking at near our new house have school uniforms! She is very insistent on what she wants to wear. The other day she had a melt down because I wouldn't let her wear a tank top and shorts to school....it was 15 degrees out! She is sneaky in the morning, because she will wake up and shut her door and start to get dressed. I would say 95% of the outfits don't match and are a mix of PJs and clothes.
I think that brings us up to date with the kiddos. This is going to be a crazy month of packing and finalizing things with the new house!
I think that brings us up to date with the kiddos. This is going to be a crazy month of packing and finalizing things with the new house!
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