She has been talking about her "pricess par-ry" (princess party) for over a month now. Every day we would show her on the calender when her party is. When she woke up on the morning of her party, she wished each of us (including my sister and her kids) Happy Birthday.
Here is her birthday cake. I tackled cake pops. They are much easier than they look to make. I had wanted to have a lot more on the cake, but had several cake pop casualties when frosting them. Of course, I had to eat those :) But, I will definitely not go into cake decroating. With how long it took me to make the cake, I think I would only make about $3/hour. On a side note, I made more cake pops the following week for her preschool class and it went MUCH better.
She had five friends here: Kate, Sydney, Ava, Jackson, and Lauren.
The kids painted flower pots and we planted flower seeds.
Jackson was such a good sport with being the only boy. He did insist on a non-princess plate for lunch.
Elsa got lots of presents and had so much fun opening them.
I love how she kept her helmet on for gift opening :)
Showing us her new bike
Poor chet was wiped out! He fell asleep within 5 minutes in the swing. I may need to remember this for times when he fights his nap.
I am still so amazed at the girl she is becoming! She can be quite the challenge as she tries to exert her independence. We are definitely learning to pick our battles, but the "tantrums" have decreased. Instead, it seems like she does the opposite of what we want her to do. She will yell "NOOOO Thank you" (I think the first time she said that Aaron and I chuckled and said "well, at least she was polite").
She loves watching Super-why's on PBS
She says the darndest things! I came home from a run the other day and she was just waking up. She asked "mom, you go running?" I said "yes, mommy went running" Then, she said "you run slow, not fast". I had to laugh. Then, when I took my running jacket off I said "momma's hot". She then came over to me and said "I blow you off".
Her mind is a sponge. I am constantly amazed at how intuitive she is at such a young age. Although sometime it can be embarrassing. She pulled a tampon out of my purse when we were eating out and said she wanted lipstick. Of course, all the people at the nearby tables had to hear. At least they got some free entertainment!
She is so polite. Whenever we pass someone on the street or if they are waking by, she will greet them with a "hello" and inquire about what they are doing.
She loves anything involving princesses and she is obsessed with finding bugs (can you find two more opposite interests)
Her favorite songs to sing: Row Row row your boat, God Bless America (which she belts out in a high pitch), you are my sunshine
Still loves her brother :) It melts my heart. She shares her toys with him and loves to explain how things work.
She has the most infectious smile and laugh and she does it often.
Potty training went much better than I thought it would. She still wears pull ups at night, but for daytime (including naps) she wears underwear. She has had a few accidents, but it is usually when she is busy playing and forgets that she has to go. We try to remind her, and that seems to help....most of the time. Poor Aaron was busy feeding Chet one day and she kept holding her crotch. Aaron asked her no fewer than three times "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" She replied no each time. Then, she disappeared and he heard the water running in the bathroom. He went to see what was going on and it was not pretty. She had pooped her pants and had taken them off (which made a HUGE mess) and was trying to wash them out in the sink (at least she was TRYING to help). Aaron quickly picked her up and put her on the toilet (with one hand since he still had Chet). So, there was poop all down her leg, on the floor, in the sink, and all over the toilet. Oh, and not to mention on her hands. Gross. He put Chet down, cleaned up the mess, and immediately put her in the bath. Aaron is such a trooper!
She loves being outside playing in her park (her name for the play set we got for our backyard), riding her scooter, riding her bike, watering flowers, playing with her friends.
She is currently in the summer program at the Montessori and goes swimming three days a week. She comes home absolutely exhausted from playing so hard. This fall she starts preschool at the Wisconsin International School and will even start taking Mandarin! I still think it is funny that she can hardly speak English and that they have 20 minutes of foreign language each day!
I can tell I need to update my blog more because I am always thinking of things to write and now I can't remember any of them.
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