Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chet at 4 months old

Chet continues to grow like a weed!  He weighed in at 17 pounds and 9 oz (91st percentile) and was 27 inches long (97th percentile)!

Laughs and smiles all the time!

So so SO close to rolling over.  He gets so frustrated on the ground, wanting to move about.  He can scoot quite well on his back.

Wears 6-12 month clothing and Size 3 diapers

He loves going for walks and watching his sister and her friends play

He is quite ticklish on the torso and on the feet

We tried rice cereal the other day, but are going to wait because the tongue thrust pushed every drop of food out!

He is sleeping from about 9pm until 5ish fairly consistently, but naps are still a challenge.  He will fall asleep at the end of a feeding and then as soon as we lay him in the crip he instantly wakes up.

He has started to grab onto teething rings and rattles much more firmly.  We have this rattle from Elsa that goes around his wrist and he is thoroughly entertained when he shakes his arms around.

Has his hands in his mouth and chews on them ALL.DAY.LONG!  Poor guys has chaffing from chewing on them so hard.

Now that the weather is nice, he enjoys being outside and going for walks.

We just love the little man to pieces!

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