Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The transition thus far

I have to admit, I was quite nervous to start private practice. I left a very stable career in the AF for one filled with lots of uncertainty. Even though I wasn't happy with my practice in the military, I know there are a lot more people that are even more unhappy with their careers, but stay in put. But, after almost one month, I have realized that it was the best decision! I love practicing OMS again, we have settled into a great neighborhood with great families, and have started making some great friends! I enjoy working with all my partners and the girls are incredible. All have made the transition smooth!

The other thing I was nervous about was how the pregnancy was going to go. At 26 weeks with Elsa I had already started to have swollen ankles and a sore back. But, thanks to prophylactic wear of my compression socks and a back brace (thanks for the suggestion jean), I have had no problems! Here is a bump shot at 28 weeks. Even though I am larger than I was with Elsa, I have gained probably half the weight. The only uncomfortable thing is that this baby seems to be much more active at ALL hours of the day.

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