Saturday, October 1, 2011

Elsa in MN

When we made the decision to exit the military, we knew the summer would be crazy. Due to the housing market in CA taking a further decline, we decided to rent out our house. We initially put Aug 15 as the occupancy date, but we were able to find good tenants who were interested in a 4 year lease that wanted the house ASAP. I think they would have preferred the house in May, but we were able to negotiate for July 9th. So, back to temporary military housing we went. I felt like we had just left there! Trying to keep a toddler entertained in a small apt last fall was not easy. So, we decided that Aaron and Elsa go to MN for the month of Aug and hang out with cousins, Grandparents, etc. It was extremely hard for me as I had never spent one night away from her since she was born. But, I knew it was better for her. As the pictures show, she had a lot of fun. I was sad that when we would skype she would barely sit still to talk to me. But, I was happy she was so entertained! Peggy had flown out to help Aaron with the drive. I had wrapped gifts that she could open each day. She loved opening her presents!

They were able to stop in Omaha to visit some of our friends. They played in a water park and went to the zoo.

In MN she was able to celebrate cousin Hunter's birthday! I think she liked hanging out with the boys a little too much!!

I love this shot...she is so focused (so much she dropped her nuk)

She LOVED the Schwimmer's dog, Maddy. I love these photos where she was trying to read to Maddy. Maddy was a good trooper with Elsa and listened to every word :)

Aunt Andi's farm proved to be so entertaining. Elsa loves farm animals.

Aaron and Elsa went to my family's house in Mankato for a long weekend.

She loved playing with her newest cousin Evi and hanging out at Andi and Corey's house

She even went to the Carver county fair and watched daddy run his 2nd half marathon!

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