Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas was very low key around here! My sister flew back to MN for the week, so it was just the three of us. I didn't have to work the week from Christmas to New Years and I enjoyed the time off to hang out with Elsa and Aaron. We went to mass Christmas eve and it was so crowded! Elsa kept dancing in the aisle and provided a lot of entertainment for those around us! Then, we came home and opened gifts! We are still trying to decide what new traditions to create for our family and which ones to take from our Childhood...One thing we are certain on is focusing on the meaning of Christmas and not spoiling Elsa with a ton of gifts. Once we are done having kids, I think we are going to have Elsa donate one gift (gently used toys) for each gift she receives.

She loved opening gifts. It was funny watching her rip little pieces of paper off. I was thinking she would tear into them!

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