Sunday, December 19, 2010

18 months old

I am on a roll...three posts in one day. I had a lot of catching up to do!

Her 18 months stats: 26.4 pounds (77th percentile)
33 3/4 inches tall (95%)
Head....well, lets she say she is really smart :) (99%)

She still loves to cuddle and give us hugs and kisses.

Favorite food: grapes, blueberries, animal crackers, yogurt

Favorite song: ABC's, Itsy Bitsy spider

Favorite movie: anything Baby Einstein. HATES Monsters, Inc (screamed in terror at the opening scene when the monster sneaks into the bedroom)

Still wears Size 4 Diapers

Weened from the bottle (we were still giving her one at night)

Next step...ween from the pacifier.

Loves to read

Discovered a love for coloring (still trying to teach her how to color on paper and not floor, walls, windows, refrigerator, etc)

Loves to brush her teeth and get a bath.

Definitely starting to throw tantrums. And, whatever stage this is where she insists by communicating with screams can end any day now!! She still is only saying a few words, so we are working to change that. But, she babbles incessantly!

My favorite part of the day is coming home from work. As soon as Elsa hears me come through the door she runs to me with a huge smile across her face and gives me a huge hug. I laugh because sometimes she runs so fast she stumbles. Fortunately, she laughs and shakes it off.

Loves to hang out with Aunt Brittany.

We just love her to pieces.

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