Check out this performance on American Idol!!! Stunning! It is so refreshing to see religion celebrated in a public forum. It seems like anything relating to God has been stripped out of public schools, public buildings, etc. Aaron and I have discussed our concern with where our country is going. And. by an attempt to be Politically Correct, religion has been removed from the public sector, and there has been a significant moral decline. Why are we adapting our society on the morally corrupt and making sure they are comfortable? I have serious concerns about how to leave a lasting legacy for my family in a world that does not have fundamental values/faith as its foundation. What happened to politicians that lead with conviction, integrity, honor, faith? What happened to saying "Merry Christmas" rather than "Happy Holidays"? What happened to neighbors helping neighbors? What happened to lives focused on God, family, and love rather than lives focused on self,wealth,and competition? What happened with being content with what we have and not on a quest to obtain more money, more power, more fame?
I have had a serious awakening in the fast few months..."I was blind, but now can see"...about how my life was heading in a direction away from my faith, away from my belief in God. I have found a schedule to read the Bible in one year and only being in three weeks, have been absolutely amazed at the impact. I have a feeling of peace and serenity, a feeling that I have a greater purpose. By listening to His Word, Learning his commandments, and obeying them, I hope to strengthen my relationship with Him. A huge challenge to live a life as a daughter of God, but a welcomed one!! I want to challenge some of you to make the committment to read the Bible in one year. There are numerous schedules out there. The one I found was a pamphlet at a Christian bookstore...And, I am sure there are some online. Lets help each other be accountable. I have realized that to raise my children with a strong faith in God/Catholic Church and to leave a lasting legacy, I must make God a part of my everyday life, and not just see Him on Sundays for an hour.
Wonderful posting--gives us all something to think about!! There are a lot of issues we take for granted--thanks for bringing to my attention!
So Courtney--now that I finally found time to read this--you owe me a phone call!! Love to both of you!
I have really enjoyed reading your entries about your adventure in England!! Love,
Hello Courtney. Congratulations on all your professional achievements as well as your quest for spiritual living. Although I haven't read the bible cover-to-cover yet, I admire those who have. Maybe this is something I'll set a goal to do. We are happy to say that we think we finally found a 'church home' that offers more interaction than we've seen anywhere else...something for everyone in our family! I hope you and Aaron are well. I think of you often and wish you well.
Take care,
Stacy Griffiths
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