Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Big Catch Up--May 2015

I have failed miserably in maintaining this blog for the past 10 months!!!  We have been in survival mode here.  One of my partners retired rather abruptly due to health issues in January and the three of us have maintained our practice (more call, less vacation/time off...BOOO!)  But, there is an end in sight!  We have a new associate joining us in July.  Maybe then I can tackle my ever expanding to-do list!  I think that will be wishful thinking!

May is always a crazy month!  Either Aaron or I (or both) of us participate in the Cellcom Race in Green Bay.  This year I ran the full relay with 4 friends.  I ran the first leg and it was so muggy!!

I handed off the baton and then had to speed home because the half marathon was running right in front of our house and if I had any chance in watching that, I had to beat the lead runners to our street.

May is also dance recital weekend (same weekend as the race).  This year Elsa did combo ballet/tap and hippy hop.  She LOVES dance and she LOVES dad's dance.  This year was Blues Brothers.  But, man alive, it is an exhausting weekend!!!  There are five recitals and she had 8 dances (three for her and five with dad for Dad's dance).  She was a tropper though and she loved to sneak up to the balcony to watch the older girls dance.

Both grandmas came into town to watch her recital!

May is also Elsa's birthday.  I can't believe she is 6!!!  We had my cousin's wedding on her birthday.  So, we took her to Chicago Memorial weekend.  Her friend Sydney and her parents joined us for the fun weekend!!

 Kiddie cocktails on the top of the Hancock tower.

Birthday dinner at Rainforest cafe

Visit to the Shedd aquarium.  They were studying spiders in school and she had to take a picture with a tarantula.

Aaron took Chet back to the hotel because he was in desperate need of a nap.  We did the 4D show.

On a water taxi back to Navy Pier

And, a trip to Chicago wouldn't be complete without a visit to American Girl

We had so much fun at Meredith and Jon's wedding.  It was fun to celebrate and see my mom's extended family.

My In-laws watched the kids while we were at the wedding.  Then, on Sunday we celebrated her birthday with cousins.  

We had Elsa's party the following weekend.  She wanted a princess party so all of her friends came dressed as their favorite princess.

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