Saturday, March 7, 2015

Photo a Day 2015 Weeks 5-7 A Big Catch up!!

 Day 29:  A few days ago, Elsa was being chased by a boy in her class and tripped and hit her face on the corner of a desk.

 Day 30:  At school They had mini-course day and Elsa painted this canvas.  She is quite the artist.  Complete with black eye!

Day 31:  Despite the sad look, she has done quite well with her injury!  She wakes up each morning and asks "What color is it today, Mom?"

Day 32:  We had some friends over to watch the superbowl and Ava was helping Elsa with her words.

 Day 33:  Our house at night….I got home late from watching the batchelor with my girlfriends and realized I didn't take a picture!  Opps!!

 Day 34:  He loves playing with my Clairsonic!

 Day 35  He is getting to be more and more independent!  And, I mean, Fiercely Independent!  He is one strong willed child!

Day 36  I started a women's dental society in town, so I get to see my dear friend Meghan a lot!  She stays over and it is so much fun catching up!

 Day 37 He FINALLY went #2 in the toilet!  So, I took him to Target to get a prize!!

 Day 38 Getting together with the Johnson's to finalize Mexico details

 Day 39 Snuggling on a Sunday evening with my two of my loves.

 Day 40  Aaron got his new truck!!  Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart!

 Day 41  Catching up on Batchelor recaps while my nails dry.

 Day 42  I went to the mall to get some new clothes for Mexico.

 Day 43  Fun S'more dessert at HuHot

Day 44  My partner, Mike, coaches JV basketball.  We took the kids to watch his game and Elsa loved running around with Maddie and Delaney.

 Day 45  ONE MORE WEEK!!!

 Day 46  I was doing my Insanity workout and they wanted to pump it up too
Day 47  No photo :(  My iphone crashed during backup and I had to restore to factory settings.  Some of my contacts I recently added and photos of the day were deleted.

 Day 48 Sleeping Beauty

Day 49  The high for the day….bring on Mexico!!

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