Thursday, January 15, 2015

Photo a day 2015--Week 2

Day8:  Chet is glued to his motorcycle!  He loves riding it and I can't wait until this summer when he can cruise around the driveway and lawn.

 Day 9:  He had his 3 year checkup and took the vaccines like a champ!  He is even smiling right afterwards!!

Day10:  Got together for a college roommate weekend!  There were 8 of us.  My friend Meghan and I drove in a day early and just caught up and stayed at a hotel.  Oh, my was it nice to "sleep in" until 7!!

Day11:  If you ever have trouble deciding what to get my kids for a gift….you can't go wrong with a box!  She created a little fort and was playing with her ipad in here.

Day12:  Elsa LOVES helping me teach my 3rd grade catechism class!  She is laying out books and nametags for my 13 students.

Day 13:  Selfie in bed for story time!

Day14:  Making gluten free brownies!  They love to help me in the kitchen!

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