This is him showing us he is "twwee"! He was so excited to have a birthday! We celebrated just as a family…I figured next year when he is a little older, we will invite some friends. He is really into spider man! So, I had a bakery make him a spider man cake.

Three days after his birthday, his motorcycle finally arrived from Zullily! We had gotten it one day and put it together, decorated the stickers, charged the battery, and then….NOTHING! I tried everything to get it to work. So, Aaron and I read and re-read the directions and still couldn't get it to go! Aaron told me I should call the company the next day and that was the plan. Then, the following day, while Aaron and I were getting ready for the day, we heard the kids squealing, the dog barking, and a strange noise….Here, Chet somehow got it to work and was driving around the main floor just giggling! It was so cute. He loves it….Olaf not so much. Although I am sure we are going to have to repair paint on the walls and some furniture. He hasn't quite managed how to navigate around tight corners!
Weight: 34 lbs (77th percentile)
Height: 39" (88th percentile)
Favorite shows: Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies
Size 3 clothing in most brands
Loves to paint and play with Play-dough
Loves anything that involves building! He loves lego Duplos, Mr. Potato Head, Lincoln Logs
Favorite foods: Let me know if you figure that out! Everyday is a challenge at meals with this
stubborn eater!!
He is VERY strong willed!! We joke that if he would have been the first born, he probably would have been an only child :) We love him to pieces, but oh my can be hold his own!
He has been working with a speech therapist the last few months through the county and recently was tested for services throught the school district. He scored really well on receptive speech but extremely low on articulation. In fact, he was below the 1st percentile. They reassured us that the most difficult thing to teach is receptive speech and he understands speech quite well! However, we estimate that only 10% of what he says is intelligible or understood by others. So, starting this week, he is going to a class through the special education department called "Phonology". There are only 3 children in the class and it is designed to improve his articulation. He will go twice a week and we have homework to do with him each week and words to say to him that focus on the sound they are working on that week. I am really excited to see his progress! The amazing thing is that Elsa understands WAY more than we do when Chet speaks and his teachers say they haven't seen any social problems develop so far because of his delay.
Potty training boys is SOOO much more difficult than girls! He will go sometimes on the potty but nothing consistent. He is a long way from pooping on the toilet and will sometimes hide under the table to do it or go into a corner.
He has been sleeping in a big boy bed since August. We donated his crib in September to group that helps furnish homes for the less fortunate. He hadn't slept in the crib for over one month at that point and he was quite upset when he walked into his room and saw the crib was gone. He cried "NNOOO!!!" and then layed in the spot where the crib used to be. It was cute and sad and funny all at the same time!
He is still an inconsistent sleeper! But does sleep through the night most of the time and is getting better about falling back to sleep on his own.
Loves group hugs! We really emphasize how are family is a team and we love doing group hugs in the morning before we go our separate ways.