Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Jesus!!

What a great Christmas we had here at Casa de Anderson!  The kids were full of excitement the whole month of December and we made sure to do fun activities the whole month!

I made this advent wreath when we lived in California and every Sunday we lit candles and prepared our hears for Christmas.

Then, we had our advent calender.  I wrote out activities (decorate cookies, shop for Toys for Tots, read a new Christmas book, family game night, take a bath with Glow sticks, etc) and each day featured a different activity.  

We set up our Nativity Set.  This was gifted to me by my mom who set this up every year!  Unfortunately, the camel suffered a fatal injury when Chet's hands reached up onto the shelf.  Fortunately, Elsa replaced it with her white pet.  I am sure the three wise men were appreciative!

Elsa had a beautiful Choir concert at school the week before Christmas.  It was so cute watching each class from preschool up to 8th grade sing.

We went to mass on Christmas eve and it was PACKED!!  Elsa and Aaron went 45 minutes early and I brought Chet after he woke from his nap!  The kids were a little restless during Church because we had told them we were going to open gifts when we got home.  Chet kept saying "I go home" constantly for the last 20 minutes of Mass.

I used our tripod and FINALLY got a photo of us where both kids are cooperating!

Each kid bought the other a gift.  Elsa made this spider man bear at Build a Bear and Chet LOVES it!  Chet "bought" Elsa a locker for her American Girl doll Isabelle and she had it all decked out in about 5 minutes after opening it!

I was awake before the kids on Christmas morning out of pure excitement to see the joy on their faces!  Elsa peaked into the family room and announced "I think Santa brought us a PIANO!!!"
 They had to bring their friends down the stairs too!

 Chet's expression was priceless when he uncovered his new train table!  Sorry, Elsa, it was not a piano!

Elsa's face was equally priceless when I read the note left from Santa saying they made the "nice" list!

Chet had no interest in opening up presents after the train table!

Their "Something you need" was luggage.  And, let me tell you, they have packed for several "trips" since Christmas!

Because this is how you push the box to mom to open your present.

Even, Olaf got some goodies from Santa.  He was one good puppy this year….sometimes.

And, to keep our focus on the reason for the season….we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus….who the kids decided was 7 this year.  

 We hope your family had a Merry Christmas too!  

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