Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Elsa!

Elsa LOVES to cook.  She says she wants to be a baker and a doctor, just like mom.  Makes my heart melt!  So, when I found a woman (Deb Johnson of Budding Chefs) who does cooking birthday parties, I got excited.  Elsa was pretty darn excited too.  She comes to your home (or can do other locations) and brings all ingredients.  She showed up 30 minutes early and made cupcakes with Elsa.  When the kids first arrived, they decorated their own aprons with fabric markers.  We selected smiley faces pizzas as the entree so all kids got to make their own individual pizzas and then decorate the cupcakes.  They had a blast.  Now for the crazy part….we had 20 kids!!!  There were two 4k classes at Elsa's school.  She has several friends in the other class and several others who were going to be in her kindergarten class.  So, rather than exclude anyone, we invited all 23 children.  I may have had a temporary moment of insanity.  I really need to remember that when you invite that many kids, they may just all show up.
 It ended up being ALOT of fun and I was so thankful that many parents stayed to help out!  

The night before, we prepared all of the gift bags and blew up balloons.  Rachel, our nanny was a HUGE help that night and the day of the party.  Although we found out that a balloon that pops will set off our security system.  Nothing like a 3am cardiac stress test!

Here is Elsa and Deb mixing up the cupcakes.  They were delicious!!

We ended up renting a banquet table and several chairs from our church.   We made one super long table and changed out table cloths between dough rolling and cupcake decorating.  Love the Dollar Store!!

 Here is little Miss Khloe creating her crust
 Elsa beginning her face pizza

 We changed out the table cloths at this point and while the pizzas were in the oven, they decorated cupcakes.
The end result
Deb, reading cupcake book.  They listened intently.

Elsa LOVES pinatas!  I made the mistake of buying this one month before her birthday and that was all she would talk about!

 All was going well, until the hook on the pinata broke.   That is when Paul (a cardiologist may I mention) decided to get on top of the monkey bars and hold the pinata.  Fortunately, he escaped sans injury!

 Elsa and her friend enjoying their favor bags
Everyone wanted Elsa to open their present first.  I tried to write down what each child gave her, but it got crazy.

We were one exhausted house when this was over!  But, it was all worth it.  She thanked us multiple times for the fun party!

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