Communicates by roaring, grunting, pointing to things and gets so frustrated when we can't interpret his language!
Loves what he can't have :) I can tell he is going to be quite the challenge in the teenage years!
He has started to be able to put together puzzles with shapes and enjoys looking through books with flaps!
He is an AMAZING sleeper (finally!!). He often does not even want to be rocked or read to, he will just point to his crib. We put him in the crib and he rolls over and goes to sleep!
He loves to be independent with putting his shoes and socks on and is trying to do many other things on his own.
Goes through periods where he barely eats! It is frustrating! I know he will eat if he is hungry but I worry about him getting the proper nutrients. Thank goodness for gummy vitamins!
Loves to color (okay, scribble) on paper (and, occasionally, on the table and floors)
He is so excited every morning and I love how he will run and give me a big hug and kiss with a big "mmmmmmmwwaaa"
We took him to get his first haircut! I definitely wanted to keep the curls in the back but the front was getting OUT OF CONTROL!!!
Loves to swing and go down the slide. We got a swing set out back and he will often sit in the kitchen and just point out the window.
Loves to swim! I am excited to get him into swimming lessons!
Is still as wild as ever! I can definitely see him excelling in hockey or football. The more aggression involved, the better (for him, not for mom!)
The kid absolutely LOVES Nemo!! He will sit still the ENTIRE movie! I took this photo the other day of his movie watching pose!
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