Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chet 7 months old

 Here is our monthly shot of Chet at 7 months old!  He LOVES to smile and giggle!  And, you can see from the photo below, he is drooling like crazy.  But he got his lower central incisors within days of each other July 26th.
 He is able to sit up for longer periods with no assistance and, by the way he is rolling around, we are starting to baby proof with babygates and outlet covers.  One of his favorite spots is underneath the coffee table!  The other one is by the end tables because he loves to crinkle the pages of our magazines.

 I think this is the cleanest he has ever been after a meal!
In July, we went to Madelia (my parents' hometown) for the annual Kelly reunion.  Most of the family had never seen Chet so he got lots of attention!  I hadn't been to the Kelly reunion for YEARS, so it was fun to catch up with the relatives.  Aaron and I played 18 holes of golf with my cousing Rachel and her husband, Phillip.  It was LONG as I had never played that many before!  Then, we went to Schell's brewery in New Ulm for a tour.  Here is a photo of me and my grandpa in the gardens!  Three generations!   
 Chet was fascinated with the plastic cups!
 The Baumlers!!!
 The various beers we were allowed to sample.  No, Aaron did not drink all of that.  I only had 1-2 samples and stuck with root beer the rest of the time.  It was hands down the best root beer!

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