Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

Okay, so I was AWFUL this year with Christmas. How bad is it that I did not even want to put a tree up. I knew delivery was iminent and I did not want to be taking care of a newborn and taking down Christmas decorations at the same time. But, I knew it was important for Elsa. And, the other awful thing is that these are the only photos I took! Chalk that one up for mom of the year!
We did go to mass, but arrived a little late due to an epic meltdown by a certain toddler due to her wanting to wear her tennis shoes with her Christmas dress...I should have just let her. So, we had to sit in the foyer on folding chairs and couldn't hear ANYTHING! I guess it is the thought that counts!

A few days after Christmas, I took our tree down. Elsa loved vacuuming up the pine needles!

Here is her new scooter from Grandma and Grandpa Feder
She also got a huge doll house from Santa with full accessories from Grandma Anderson, big girl underpants, hair accessories, puzzles, lincoln logs, doll accessories, and the full Shrek series (which by now, we have memorized!).

I can tell it is going to be a struggle de-emphasizing the secular part of Christmas from the true meaning. We started the tradition of making Jesus a birthday cake, which was a HUGE hit. She declared that Jesus is three and so we had three candles on the cake. I made an advent wreath last year, but due to pregnancy brain, forgot to bring it out. I love the season of advent and am on the search for great advent materials appropriate for children.

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