Sunday, June 5, 2011

Elsa Turns 2

Wow! I was going through some of my old blog posts and it so hard to believe how fast the past two years went! Elsa smiles when she sees pictures of her as a little baby!

She was spoiled by having two birthday parties this year. None of which involved any children her own age--we felt like we deserved the worst parent of the year for that! Hopefully, next year she will have lots of playmates in our neighborhood and we will make up for this year. We celebrated the first one when my parents were visiting. We invited our friends the Turners over. Elsa had so much fun playing with the older boys and even managed to scrape up her face! Poor little thing, but she instantly got up and kept going!

Then, on the actual day (May 30th) we celebrated with Aunt Brittany and made her (Brittany's) favorite: red velvet cupcakes. NEVER again! The red velvet bleeds on to everything! Skin, clothes...carpet! But, Elsa loved decorating the cupcakes and I think her new favorite song is "Happy Birthday". We keep finding random people to sing happy birthday to and we light a candle so she can blow it out.

She weighs: 28 pounds (76th percentile) and is 35.24 inches tall (85th percentile)

Her favorite toys: her dolls (loves to push them in her baby stroller, feed them (read: pour water on their faces), change their diapers (this is quite funny to watch because she will actually pull out the changing pad, wipe their bottoms, say "pee-eww", and then put a diaper on them), and read to them)

Favorite songs: Happy Birthday, pussy cat pussy cat I love you, Old McDonald had a farm

VERY strong willed child

When daddy leaves the room, she always asks "Where's daddy, where'd he go?"

If she wants us to stop doing something, she will say "mommy (or daddy) poof" and hold out her hand to stop (it is hilarious and I am not quite sure where she picked that one up)

Loves to dance (we are already looking into dance classes in green bay)

Loves her Lady bug rain boots. I think she would wear these to bed if we let her.

Her favorite thing to do when I am in the kitchen is to grab the flash light and "hide" in the cupboard. Aaron also helped make a fort under our dining room table and she LOVES it. I think he is already making plans for a large fort in our basement with all of our moving boxes.

She loves to crawl in her toy box and throw every. single. last. toy out.

She will miss her Aunt Brreeneee

Had her first trip to the ER the weekend of her birthday. What we thought was her trying to tell us she was ready for potty training, ended up progressing into pain when she would urinate and fevers between 102-103. They had to cath her to obtain a urine sample (no wonder she didn't like the doctor the following week for her two year well baby appt) and put her on antibiotics for a UTI. But, since we had gone out to buy a potty, we tried to get her used to it. Although, she kept putting her dolls and Brittany's teddy bear on it. We were able to get her to use it twice (she did #2 of all things), but then gave up on it. I really think it is for the best until we get settled in GB. I told Aaron the drive home with her would be miserable if he had to keep stopping for her to go to the bathroom.

Note: this was right after we took the potty out of the box. We won't have the potty set up in the hallway :)
Happy Birthday precious girl! You have brought so much joy to your daddy's and I's lives!

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