She loves to help me cook
She loves to help me clean (although the way she swings the broom around, I know it is just a matter of time before she knocks something off the shelves/counter)
Favorite foods: broccoli, french fries, anything that she can dip in any sauce (french fries dipped in apple sauce), popsicles, ice cream, grapes, strawberries, mickey mouse chicken nuggets, anything covered with Nutella
Favorite games: puzzles, the tupperware shape ball, ring around the rosie (which she calls "ashes, ashes")-- She is quite funny with ring around the rosie because if anyone is in the house, she wants them to play. One day she came up to me saying "ashes, ashes" and when I went to play with her, she started screaming for Brittany and dad to join in. So, we all did several rounds of ashes, ashes in our living room. She also loves stacking blocks, coloring, blowing/chasing bubbles, and climbing on ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!
Favorite Books: Clifford Animal Noises, Bible Stories for Little Girls, You are Special, Goodnight Moon
She loves saying "cheers" and clanging her cup to our cups. Although once she knocked my glass of milk over and made quite the mess.
Bathtime is a lot of fun. She loves to kick and splash and blow bubbles. She will not get out of the tub until every last drop of water is down the drain...even then, she still wants to play.
And, thanks to Brittany, she is a huge fan of Beyonce. Brittany introduced her to the You Tube video of "all the single ladies". Now Elsa goes around the house shaking her hands in the air singing "oh, oh, oh...oh oh oh".
She LOVES cows! The neighborhood we live on is bordered by these huge pastures owned by a rancher. He lets the cattle roam and we often here the cows even inside our house. Anytime Elsa sees or hears the cows she starts mooing. The other day she was walking down the street with Grandma Anderson and kept mooing. I think we may need to buy a cow in Wisconsin. She also does moew, roof, and roars for anything else (lamb, dinosaur, you name it)
Hasn't gotten too big for cuddling! Her kisses have gotten alot more interesting. She will face us and grab on to our cheeks with her hand and then press her face hard into ours. It sometimes hurts, but it is so cute!
When she fluffs (our name for fart) she will giggle and then put her fingers over her nose and say pee-eww.
Still very much a momma's girl. I think a lot of it is that when I am home after being gone all day all she wants is to be with me. But, if Aaron leaves the room, she will call out "Daddy" then turn her hands over in disbelief and say "Where'd he go?"
Is quite the comedian and will so all kinds of silly things to get us to laugh! Like put two nuks in her mouth at the same time.....
or, pull her zipper down on her PJ's and and show us her belly button.
Ok, looking back at all the pictures, I am sure you are all wondering if she owns any real clothes, or we just dress her in pajamas... Here is one from Lake Tahoe with dad after he went skiing. And, she is sporting her new haircut (by mom....note her crooked bangs, the girl would not sit still!)
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