Elsa is changing at lightening fast speed. This past months has been insane!!
*She is walking like a champ. This seemed to happen over night! And, she is even running!!
*Her favorite new activity is crawling into the stroller from under the tray. She does this several times a day. Although she can get down, she frequently stands up and tries to climb on the umbrella/handlebars...scares the you know what out of me. I think she thinks she is part monkey.
*I honestly don't know where she learned this next one...She will throw random things into the toilet (thankfully just toys at this point, but caught her perilously close to tossing my phone). And, she will toss items (not waste) into the garbage cans. We are missing a few socks....thankfully the cleaning ladies discovered my nailpolish, watch, and hair brush prior to removing the trash.
*Looks like a battered child right now. We bought her this Little People wagon with blocks and she loves to climb in it. Only problem is when she climbs out, it tips over. Well, she face planted into the handle. Screamed louder than I had ever heard a child scream. Palpated her cheek and thought she fractured her zygoma. but, since her condition improved with a popsicle, decided it probably wasn't too serious.
*Loves swimming. We have taken her to the pool on base and she LOVES the water!! Good thing our new house has a pool!! Maybe her sport of choice will be swimming!!!
*Explores EVERYTHING!! Fortunately, she is doing well in our small apt!! But, her favorite "toys", we have to frequently take away from her (cell phone, remote control) for fear they will end up in the trash or toilet.
*LOVES phones. We gave her our old phones from England. But, of course, she wants better. She wants our new phones.
*Quite the little dancer!! Any time music is playing she bounces up and down. It is really cute. We took her to a baseball game and during innings when they would play the jam music she would let loose
*Knows where her belly button is. When we ask "where is elsa's belly button?" she will lift her dress and point. she will even lift our shirts and point out ours.
I want to thank everyone for their prayers over the past couple of weeks. As some of you know, but many don't, we miscarried again. I was 10 weeks along and pregnant with identical twins. It has been a tough past couple of weeks. But, since we have been blessed with Elsa, it has been easier in some ways than the first miscarriage. We have been smothering her daily with kisses and hugs and trust in God's plan regarding our family's future.
1 comment:
Hi Courtney, I did not know about your recent miscarriage. I am so sorry to hear. Even though they were just little they will always have a special place in a mommys heart. Too many little angels up in heaven. With Love, Heather Stuckey
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