Sunday, June 6, 2010

Elsa's First Birthday!!

This is way belated, but I am finally getting around to this post. I know I have said this before, but time is moving way too fast. I wish I could freeze time. But, then i would never know the joy of the future.

We held her party the week before the movers came. We hired Natalie to do photos during the event and hired a cake done....somethings i will do by myself in the future, but made my life so easy given the circumstances. It was more adult than kid. Had no theme (seriously, for a one year old...LOL). But, was fun none the less. Thank goodness for the Wii because we have absolutely NO kid-over-one-year-toys.

We attempted a mini photo shoot outside, but it was so windy. Elsa's hair was standing straight up!

Some of the kids playing the Wii
It was so funny to see how excited the other kids were about Elsa "smashing" the cake.
Cole giving Elsa some pointers

May 30th is a popular date for birthdays. Here is Ethan blowing out a candle. Our friends Katrina and Mark also have birthdays on this date as well.
The ladies man (cole) playing with Elsa and Savannah
A few of the ladies (Linda, Liz, Elsa, me, and Katrina)
Elsa was a little shy opening gifts...she didn't really open any by herself, but she loved the pink bow

Notice the new outfit. She had a record 3 baths this day.

1 comment:

Life with the Schwimmers said...

Way too Cute! What a happy girl.
Glad you are back in the states now and hopefully we will see you soon! Auntie Ta