Guess the month of February flew by!! I completely failed to post her 8 month shot.
Her personality is definitely starting to show! Things she does/enjoys:
** loves saying Da! Keep trying to get her to say "Ma", but no luck yet.
**hates the word "NO". She has demonstrated a few tantrums when we tell her NO. Aaron asked if it was too early to start the terrible twos.
**enjoys exploring everything we tell her NO to: power cords, vertical blinds, plants, drawers containing sharp objects.
**she sits up on her own. It is so cute walking in to her room and seeing her sitting up in the crib facing the door...waiting for us to come in.
**Loves head bumping things. I often give her Eskimo kisses. That has turned a little more dangerous. Our foreheads make abrupt contact before our noses touch. But, she doesn't seem to mind. She even head bumps the glass door in her play area...repetitively. Again, I think she is entertained by it and doesn't seem to mind.
**plays so well on her own. we often will sneak peaks of her in the play area and she often is flipping through books or playing with her blocks.
**Loves dropping things on to the floor. When we skype with family/friends, she will open the top desk drawer and will start removing all the pens/office supplies and dropping on the floor. I think she likes to hear "uh oh".
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