Sunday, September 6, 2009


I can't believe Elsa bean is three months old! I started this last month, but here is a picture on her 3 month birthday with her bear in the rocker.

Highlights of the past month:
* Enjoys tummy time and is able to hold her head up for much longer periods. She is so close to being able to roll over!
* Will grab onto an object held in front of her
* Up to Size 2 diapers!
* Loves to laugh!
* She loves to have her feet kissed!
* Still loves to cuddle! I hope that never ends!
* Goes 4 hours between feedings
* Sleeps 9 hours at a stretch at night. Once she wakes up I will nurse her and she will go back to sleep for another hour.
* She enjoys being read to (see picture below)
* She loves looking at herself in a mirror.
* Wearing 6 months clothes
* She loves being in her bouncy chair in the kitchen, watching us cook, clean, etc.
* Her nicknames: Elsa bean, Cuddlebug, Pumpkin butt (don't ask...), Fartknocker (another way she takes after her father!!), Bumpkin

We took Elsa to her first pub a few weeks ago. "pub" is a British term that not only refers to what we would think of as a bar, but it is a family restaurant. Unfortunately, many pubs do not allow children (not to mention, infants). Elsa was fascinated with "something"....

that "something" is something she will not be allowed to have for a while.
I love the look of intent.
Here is us in our backyard. I love this little gator jumper! Our friend, Margaret, gave it to her.

Elsa loves her daddy. I love how she is putting her hand on his face. My mom planted several vegetables in our backyard and re-potted several of our plants. Our terrace looks much more welcoming!
We try to read Elsa a couple of books each day...
Here is her with Grandma Feder after her bath. She loves bath time...but it is starting to get messy as she loves to splash around!
Last weekend we took a trip to Warwick Castle. It is a medieval castle located about 2 hours from here. And, about 10 minutes from there is a village named Stratford-upon-Avon. It is the birthplace of Shakespeare. I must admit, I am not a big fan of his literature, but it was such a neat village.

And, some more random photos.

I am getting so excited. We leave for our two week German holiday on the 14th!! We will visit Brugge, Belgium; Germany (Namur, Munich (for Oktoberfest), Garmisch) and Austria (Innsbruck). Our stops will include several Trappist Monasteries, castles, beer festivals, hikes (to the highest point in Germany)...not to mention lots of scenic drives! I am interested in any travel tips you have with traveling with an infant....please feel free to leave a comment!!

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